Thursday, February 20, 2020

Angry Lizzie is the Best Lizzie

I had a whole blog post typed out and ready to go for this week, but I have something more important to say.

As I watched the Bloomberg Roast Democratic Debate on Wednesday, I was chanting louder than I do for the Superbowl. Every time Elizabeth Warren opened her mouth, she was dropping truth bombs. I was LIVING for it. I was SO happy that a woman was finally speaking up on the hypocrisy and injustices on the debate stage. 

And then, stupidly, I got on twitter. The first tweet I saw was the one Dr. Hanrahan posted on the blog this week. "Mean and angry Warren is not a good look." What? Did we watch the same debate? I clicked the replies to see if anybody else had gone off on this woman before I took the time to. Enter Elaine Reilly. 

SPEAK that truth Elaine. First off, let me point out one simple fact: Elizabeth Warren had every right to be angry. She was speaking on topics like racial profiling, homelessness, sexual harassment, discrimination, and climate change. EVERY single one of those topics SHOULD anger you, and if it doesn't, YOU need to reevaluate your choices. 

How absolutely bonkers would it be if Elizabeth Warren stood on the stage and politely, calmly said to Michael Bloomberg, "I think you shouldn't sexually harass women or speak misogynistically :)" Do you think her words would carry the same weight? Do you think the same point would have been made? Absolutely not.

I'd like to now draw your attention to the fact that Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden yell through almost the entire debate... every... single... debate. I have not seen a tweet suggesting they are acting irrationally. They are passionate and assertive. They just really care about what they're talking about, duh! Its completely fine! 

Elizabeth Warren speaks with emotion and all of a sudden.... this is unacceptable behavior. I am annoyed. 

So this blog post is to Jennifer Rubin. Elizabeth Warren spent 10 minutes explaining why only being nice to some women is not a justification for your mistreatment of other women. She explained why a quick "sorry" after implementing blatantly racist policies for years is not enough reparation. She spoke on behalf of marginalized and oppressed communities in the USA and your only takeaway was "She was mean :'(" ...Jennifer Rubin, you missed the point.

1 comment:

  1. While this phenomenon is outrage-inducing, part of me was like, "Oh, this will be good for the GWST/HNRS class!" Lemonade out of misogynist lemons, I guess?
