Friday, February 28, 2020

The Story You Don't Want To Miss

After watching Nanette, that was when I knew that I needed a Hannah Gadsby in my life so flipping bad! Yes, even though she is 42 years of age, she can still teach me a thing or two. But for Hannah, it’s not only her wit that got me, she’s just funny as hell. Let me take that back, funny is an understatement, hilarious! Like for some reason with her accent (I love all accents, I think they’re just so beautiful especially how somethings they pronounce differently) along with her clever jokes makes it so funny I just die. So, real quick have any of you heard a joke from someone just anybody and then started laughing, of course because you found the joke funny but you continue laughing minutes later and even when the joke is dead dead you still continue heckling and it’s like the joke is gone. Yeah that’s what I got from her and I feel like she got some of us in the class ha-ha.  
From her Netflix special, there were two parts that had me feeling just like that. For starters, this part is something that I relate to her so much. When she talked about identity and all that I loved how she defined herself, tired. I have never screamed in my head saying “MEEEEEEE!!!!!” so loud before in my life it’s disgusting, it truly is. Now, Hannah and I might have a different perspective of “tired”, but I still felt that because that’s how I feel all the time just tired. Tired of dealing with people (mainly talking about people in past and yeah, it is going to get a tad ugly) who want to play victim when they know they were in the wrong and want to boo-hoo and cry, people always commenting on what you’re doing (meanwhile, you’re still learning about life) when all they do is just sit on their ass cheeks 24/7 not doing what THEY need to do, just so much but you get the point. As for the second part, it was when she almost got beat up by a guy because he thought that she was hitting on his girlfriend, even though she was. So yeah, this kind of happened to me too. Here’s what happened, I was at the Frederick Mall with my best friend Asher and his friend and we went to Journey’s because I wanted some new shoes. Oh, keep in mind, I look like a complete bum like sweats, sweatshirt, hair down with a hat, a normal tee, NO MAKEUP all that. Off the bat, this girl greeted us and all that but the way she greeted was a little “too happy” you can say. I’m browsing and found the shoes that I liked and what a coincidence she helped me, got my size and checked out. Now during checkout, she sparks a conversation with me, and I reply you know but then she was flirting and all and I caught on, so then I flirted back! I’m sorry she was cute and I was like a little flirt moment can't hurt no one but then when we were talking for way too long just standing there, this tall slim guy (regular employee) just comes to the register and was like ease dropping on what we were talking about and comes behind the girl and said something like “Is everything going okay? Do you need help checking out?” but he sounded a tad stern, so we were both like “Oh no, were good” and he walked away salty as helllllllll. So, she grabbed my receipt, wrote her number on it and yeah, we left. Mind you my friends are behind me jaw-dropped and all. The crazy part was I felt the vibe, but I thought she was going for the blonde hair, blue eyed surfer bod type of guy, nope. She liked herself some chocolate.

UPDATE: I lost her number…

1 comment:

  1. Saddest love story ever lol. Gotta find that number! But I appreciated you sharing this story about your identity and experience. It is interesting to hear these things, and how you connected to such a powerful voice like Hannah Gadsby.
