Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Week 6: Being a Woman is a Superpower

This blog post is going to be far from the normal format that is commonly used. I have decided to use this blog as an opportunity to write an open letter to my sister in law, just as Phoebe Robinson did in her book in the chapter, “Olivia”. Phoebe uses her letters to her niece as a way to help prepare and guide her through different battles she may face in life. With that being said, my letter is going to be aimed towards the support and reassurance my sister in law may need while going through her pregnancy.

Dear SIL,

We’ve have been talking about this day for the past three years, you’re finally having a baby with the love of your life. I know this pregnancy has been hard for you already and you are only 11 weeks in, and I wish I could tell you it will get better, but I have no fucking clue! Constant nausea you have endured and the consistent annoying behavior from your neighbors, how you handle it? I don’t know. You have the best superpower there is, you’re a woman. You’re also a mom! Like it can’t get any more superhuman than that, especially because the baby has my brother’s genes, and if they are anything like my brother was when he was young good luck. Who am I kidding? You don’t need luck because you are you and you have the patience of a painter watching their painting dry. I know through this process you are going to feel self-conscious about your changing body and you are probably going through the fear of not being a good parent. Well news flash love, you both are going to be a phenomenal parent. Even on the days where you feel like you’re failing, you have a major support system behind you to help whenever. As for your changing body, your body is doing something amazing, it is making room and growing a child. So, whenever you start feeling down just remember, that’s a damn superpower and you have mastered the art of it. After little baby Murray is born,  I know you’re going to be exhausted (I don’t blame you) and you’re going to start questioning if you can keep being a full-time employee and a full-time mom, and when you start questioning your abilities, I want you to remember this quote from Tina Fey, “I think every working mom probably feels the same thing. You go through big chunks of time where you’re thinking, ‘This is impossible- oh, this is impossible.’ And then you just keep going and keep going, and you sort of do the impossible.” Never question your capabilities lovely, because you are you. You are a mom. You are a woman. Most importantly you are a superwoman. You are my hero.

Love always,
The Cool Aunt xoxo

Well, there’s that. Thank you, everyone, for reading my blog and my open letter. I chose to write about my SIL and brother’s pregnancy because not only is this changing their lives, but it is changing mine. I am becoming an aunt, a role model, a confidant, and honestly, I have never been so excited to meet someone.

This is the baby announcement for Baby Murray, (My idea was better: I wanted to make a onesie that said “The Force is strong with this one” and then have a letter board that said “Baby Murray expected to join the resistance, September 2020”.)

These are the beautiful parents to be.


  1. I love that you shared this letter with us, and I also love that you included that wonderfully relatable Tiny Fey quote! Being a woman, as we have discussed for almost 6 weeks in this course, is difficult. We are fighting for our rights to our own body, we are fighting to be paid the same wages as men, and we are fighting for the permission to be ourselves unapologetically (here's a secret, we don't need permission!). Here, you talk about some of the (painfully under-discussed) best parts of being female, which, in this conversation and fight for equality, can sometimes be almost forgotten about. Though you most likely mean your family when you say "a major support system", I think that this can be true for all women, as we are here for one another and hold each other up when someone has lost all strength to stand. Your letter will mean so much to your sister-in-law, and it means a lot for women as a whole, too. Really awesome post.

  2. This is truly beautiful. I hope you've shown it to sister in law or plan too soon because she definitely needs to read this. I think Tina Fey was a great reference choice as an example of someone who was able to have a fulltime career and be a full time mom. I'm sure your SIL is going to be amazing as both. Also I can agree that your baby announcement was definitely cooler, the one they went with is still very cute though. That's going to be one luckily baby with one very cool aunt.

  3. This letter is such a sweet and wonderful idea! I really do hope that you decided to share it with your sister in law (i'm sure that she would love it). Being an aunt is such an important role in a females life as they can provide reassurance that the parents can't normally provide. Thank you for your post!

  4. Tears. I have a friend that is due to give birth next Friday, and even though I wasn't very close with her before this pregnancy, I spent more money for baby shower gifts than I spent on all my loved one's Christmas gifts combined. Babies are seriously so great. My boyfriend's sister has also started thinking about babies and I cannot WAIT to have little guys and gals to spoil. This was such a cute idea to write this letter. I hope that even after this class ends, when your SIL gives birth, you come back and post a picture of the baby. I LOVE babies.

  5. First off, thank you for sharing this with us, Kennedy. It was beautifully written. I also really enjoyed how you connected it to Robinson's saga of letters in the novel AND referencing Tina Fey's journey of becoming a mother.

    p.s. this made me tear up because it was so sweet and so relatable. I also love writing and wrote a letter to someone really special to me recently while bawling my eyes out. Great Job with this post.

  6. Wow I love that you took a time in a woman's life where she is viewed as being most fragile and associated it with having a super power. I like that you are not downplaying a woman's abilities during her pregnancy, you are emphasizing how they have increased. It is very beautiful and utterly adorable!

  7. This letter was so incredibly heartfelt and amazing that I couldn't stop feeling emotional the entire time I read it. It's never talked about, but every person goes through the phase of thinking "OH NO! Am I going to be a good parent?!" if they are about to have a baby. Your reassurance and support was infused throughout this entire letter, and it has inspired me so much!

  8. I love this look into your life. I love babies so much sometimes I can feel my uterus twitch when I see one. I'm jealous that you'll have one in such close proximity to squeeze on, but my time will come. I know you'll adjust to your new role very well. I also love the encouragement for your sister in law throughout, that even though pregnancy is hard it's frickin incredible that a human woman's body can do that. Really great job. :)
