Thursday, February 20, 2020

Babies, babies, and more babies!

Soooooooooo, I’m not gonna lie. I have wanted to be a mom for as long as I can remember. My mom once told me a story of how I “breastfed” my baby doll in the backseat of the car by shoving my baby doll up the front of my shirt. I had done this because my mom had fed my baby sister the same way earlier that day. (Normal breastfeeding of course, she didn’t shove my sister up her shirt like I did with my doll XD) She asked me what I was doing, and I said I was feeding my baby like she did for Rebecca, my baby sister. She then let me know that while that was great, that there are certain times and places to feed the baby, and to just remember that. So, you can say I’ve been practicing since before I knew what I was doing! What a time to be alive! XD

To sidetrack for a moment, I am fully aware that at this current time, I am NOT AT ALL at a point in my life where I am ready to have kids. However, that doesn’t make me immune to baby fever. So, whenever I see a cute baby, I completely melt into the floor and it takes me a good ten minutes to reform back into my normal self after seeing such an adorable bundle of cuteness! It’s a condition I am currently dealing with called “cuteness sensitivity,” and I am getting better every day, thank you for the concern. XD (This is a fake condition obviously, but if it was real, I would definitely be a host to it!)

(The 3 photos listed below this caption are pictures of random babies I found on google that triggered my baby fever)

Anyway, the whole reason I am writing about my love of babies and kids is because of Tig Notaro. When Tig Notaro talked about her experiences raising her twin boys, Finn and Max, my baby fever rose slightly as I thought about what it would be like for me to raise my future kids. Her segments about her babies referring to boobs as “car-cars” (30:05) and how her son Max exclaimed three times so far in his life the phrase “I’m gay” (32:00) just gave me so much hope that I will one day experience some similar and unique experiences like Tig talked about with MY future children.
Tig’s confidence and comfort at being able to talk about how she raises her babies was so refreshing to see from a modern woman. I feel like women are always so cautious about revealing how they decide to parent and raise their children since it seems like everyone has an opinion about the best way to raise kids these days. Her ability to be confident and openly talk about her own methods was inspirational and amazing to see, since its so rare to find women willing to do that.

(The 2 photos below this caption are Tig Notaro and her twin boys)

I hope that one day when I have kids of my own (I am going to have kids, either on my own or through adoption/fostering, its gonna happen one way or another people) that I will have the confidence enough to be able to own my personal parenting methods to others without the fear of being told “your doing it wrong.” I also look forward to experiencing all of those cute, unique moments my kids will have that will cause individuals I tell to chuckle or even belly-laugh. Until then, I will just have to keep doing what I’m doing which is gush over any and all babies I see in public.  

(The baby photos below this caption are some more random adorable babies i found that induced my "AWWWWWWWE" response upon seeing them)


  1. Between your post and Kennedy's post, I'm dying of baby fever. Being a mom can be so tough but so rewarding, and I also cannot WAIT for that day to come. I can wait, and I'm going to wait, but also I can't wait. I have my future kid names picked out at any given time. They change constantly, and I don't plan on actually naming my kids until they're born and I can see their face and decide who they are. ALL moms are badasses. Big fan of babies. Love this post.

  2. I LOVE BABBBBIEEEEESSSS!! I can’t wait to be a mom some day. Have some mini me’s running around. Everytime I see a baby I get some baby fever. So this post gave it to me. However just like you I am no where close to my time to have them. But I still can’t wait!

  3. Heck... now I have baby fever. I remember I experienced baby fever merely from reading Poehler talk about how amazing her experience being pregnant was. I texted my sister in the middle of reading that chapter and said "Girl, I'm reading about when Amy Poehler was pregnant and now all I want is to be pregnant but I know Conner [my boyfriend] would not want a child right now [ NOR AM I READY!!!]" Oh man. Baby fever. I swear it hits differently the older I get.

  4. Never gonna complain about a bunch of cute baby pictures!

  5. I LOVE BABIESS! They are the most precious little beings and oh my goodness their laughs... don't get me started! I am basically on the same boat as you because I've been having "baby fever" for sometime now and I just couldn't resist but to click on your post quickly. Great job!
