Thursday, January 30, 2020

Eeyore is my spirit animal, thanks for coming to my TED talk

I was trying all week to come up with a humorous, yet semi-uplifting while also eye opening blog. However, every time I sat down to write I. just. couldn’t. Unlike Amy Poehler I don’t blame my phone for not cranking out a post earlier. Although I believe pinterest is like meth for the pre-planner in me. I was being more stumped by my mood. I didn’t want to write a blog while I was feeling overwhelmed and exhausted, because I wouldn’t be in the head space to be funny. I mean who wants to read a blog written by someone who sounds like they just hit their pre-quarter life crisis (yes it does exist). I just wanted to bring something more. Then I realized, I could just be overwhelmed and exhausted.

I mean who doesn’t find Eeyore to be an absolute gem, people can still respect and appreciate you when you’re not okay. Right? Wrong. Unless you’re a genuinely depressed donkey, with a detachable tail, society does not find melancholy endearing. But you know what, who cares? I’m going to take a lesson from Amy Poehler and Tina Fey “I don’t care if you like it “(145). I mean you all seem like very enjoyable people, so I am sure you will endure this blog, post-breakdown rant I am about to see through. But to everyone else I DON”T CARE IF YOU LIKE IT!

Except I do, I very much do, shh don’t tell anyone. I have to look strong and empowered to pretend that I am not letting the idea, that everyone else has cranked out beautiful blogs get to me. Yes i’m fine, don’t ask me again or I’ll cry. In our life sometimes it feels like too much will not be enough. Like Tina Fey said in Bossy Pants “there are an infinite number of things that can be “incorrect ``''(20). While she mostly was exploring and ridiculing the impossible standards of beauty placed on women, I believe it also applies to our personalities and actions.

Its very hard to be upset or angry as a woman. I could pay for my overpriced education if I got a quarter every time I was asked if I was ‘pms-ing’ cause I was irritated. No Billy, I am irritated because your societal expectations of me have pushed me to a limit where I feel I have to prove myself in every aspect of my life, and don’t ever get told anything other than I am not enough. Breathe. DOES THAT SOUND LIKE PMS TO YOU.

I didn’t think so, even the most talented women in our society must be smiling at all times so they can be accepted. Mindy Kaling discussed in Why not me how people expect her to be smiling and happy all the time. Now that expectations has rubbed off on her so she can’t even feel overwhelmed by herself without feeling guilty. That makes no sense. Just cause you’re successful doesn’t mean you have to be happy. Just because we are women doesn’t mean we have to be happy. Just cause I am young does not mean I have to be happy.

I have gotten to the point where my shower head hears most of my innermost thoughts and feelings cause that's the only safe place to convey them. We have built a society that expects us to just be fine. None of us are, especially not me, should I write that...too late, yet we are expected to put on a facade. I would connect all these emotions to Fanny Fern and her ideas about roles, and Barreca with her ideas on the Good girl and Bad girl. Every person in society has a facade they put on for something.

Women wear them for everything, because they have been told they will never be enough, so they may as well be nice and easy on the eyes. Cat people also wear them cause admit it, we are the minority *stay strong*. But I’m gonna defy that. I am tired, busy and doing a lot of emotional eating. I am gonna tell you all that right here. I am not always happy and funny, and neither is my writing. Women are allowed to be off, everyone is allowed to be off. That is just something our world has to accept, and learn to show compassion towards rather than contempt.


  1. I have been saying for years that I relate to Eyeore so much! Sometimes I wake up in the morning and I'm not feeling okay and I just put on a fake smile. Before I got here and I was on a team of people who genuinely care about me, I would say that my shower head knew more about the way I actually feel than anyone else. I completely agree that its time for society to accept that we as women don't have to be perfect, and we should not be expected to hide out feelings.

  2. I was immediately drawn to this post when I saw "Eyeore" in the title since he was such an important part of my childhood. I really relate to not being able to share how I really feel except in my room alone, to my dogs, my mother, and my therapist. The society we live in, while its getting better, doesn't always take mental health seriously, and you can see the consequences in the newer generations. If only we could act like Eyeore every once in a while without being judged for it.

  3. The usage of capital letters was awesome! I could literally hear your voice coming from my screen as I read this. I also agree that women shouldn’t have to put on a fake smile on the days they feel crappy or upset. Why are we judged for having less-than-desired experiences during the week? And I love that you connected this to Eyeore! He wasn’t my favorite character on Winnie the Pooh, but I’ve grown to appreciate him as I’ve gotten older. He’s honest about not being happy and his friends love him as he is, and I don’t remember a time where they tried to change him. I wish more people in the world were like Eyeore’s friends.

  4. Ugh, I CANNOT stand when someone tells me to "smile." I'm sure everyone has experienced this at least once, and it is annoying as hell. Sometimes (most of the time haha), I don't feel like smiling, and I don't need some stranger to tell me to do something with my body that I don't want to do. Just the other day, I was working until close (11pm) with about three hours of sleep in my body, and it was practically dead inside Food Lion. I'm standing in the front just day dreaming, and then a customer, who was an old, white dude (surprise), came up to me and said, "Oh, come on, smile girl." I just gave him a reluctant half smile, half screaming-on-the-inside, look because, unfortunately, that is my job to appease the creeps who come in for milk at 10:40 in the evening. Moral of the story: you never know what someone is going through, so it is better NOT to bombard them with creepy requests to smile for your own sick enjoyment. Thanks.

  5. A great post and equally great comments. You all are wonderful to each other. It's lovely to see.
