Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Getting To Know Kelsey

1) Hello all, I am Kelsey Cooke. I am a junior here at Shepherd University. I study History with a concentration in Public History and Historic Preservation. I am a Gender and Women Studies minor. I live in Martinsburg, WV with my boyfriend Thomas. In my free time I enjoy listening to music, hiking, and watching movies. My dream is to work for the National Park Service. I am often asked what park I would like to work at with which I respond simple, "Whoever will hire me!" It is an extremely competitive process but the reward is immersing myself in history and getting to spend time outdoors. One day I hope to work at as many as possible so I can travel around the country. I consider myself a people person, but I find it much easier to converse with strangers. I guess I have one of those faces because I get random people telling my their life stories everywhere from the hiking trail to the grocery store.
2) I am taking this class because I am devoted to telling the story of women. As a young historian and interpreter, it is my goal to create for the public an inclusive story of our past. Too often is history written and told by the winners, which is usually white men of wealth. However, it is not as simple as add women and stir! Our history is our strength. A greater understanding of ourselves will lead to increased confidence in self-image and hopefully the respect of our male counterparts. I think throughout time we have used humor to escape from the problems of our past. We approach pleasure to avoid pain. The pursuit of incorporating humor into gender suggests that the injustice is named but sets out to introduce it in a manner we can all recognize, by laughter. ** ALSO, I can't tell you how many times I edited this post to make the font match, but here we are. 

3) What makes me laugh is what usually makes people roll their eyes. That obviously dry humor that makes crickets chirp, makes me burst out uncontrollably. From dogs in sweaters/costumes to other peoples ridiculous laughs, I struggle to contain myself when the moment strikes. Especially, when these memories of silly moments cross my mind I can't help but giggle to myself. Most recently the funniest thing that happened to me is a crazy dance party I had with my boyfriend while we expended our last bit of energy before bed. We were cracking up while battling our funkiest moves. Some of my favorite funny people are John Mulaney, Bill Hader, Ilana Glazer, Tiffany Haddish, Maria Bamford, and Fred Armisen. I enjoy these people for being effortlessly themselves. They are all unique in their own ways, but all use humor to discuss modern topics.
"Don't touch me."

**I have had these saved on my phone for months and look at them when I need a laugh. I hope they make you giggle too. 


  1. That sounds like such an interesting and rewarding job! I am wondering what it is you enjoy so much about being outside, do you hike? Or play any sports? Or just enjoy sitting with all the trees? I have to admit, I am partial to just spending time among nature without breaking much of a sweat.
    Along with your point about women historically using humor to cover the pain of injustice, which is quite accurate, I wonder if it has also been utilized in order to fight that same injustice.
    Also, John Mulaney is one of my very favorite comedians! From the kind of humor you described, it sounds like you would really enjoy the TV show "The Office". If you have not had the pleasure of watching it, I very much recommend giving it a chance (though the first season or so is a bit slow).
    P.S. The dog pictures definitely made me giggle! Thank you for including them.

    1. I do enjoy hiking, I try to get out more than once a week even if it is cold. I enjoy the solitude, the fresh air, finding interesting plants, trees, flowers, mushrooms, etc. My favorite are lichen if you have ever heard of them. Like moss, it is an organism that grows on other things like tree branches or rocks. The outdoors provides me an opportunity for free form thought to contemplate issues about gender to even reminding myself of my cute dog photos which make me chuckle to myself.

  2. Hey Kelsey! I LOVE John Mulaney! He has a new special on Netflix, although it’s not a stand-up special. It’s called the Sack Lunch Bunch I think??? Have you seen it? And the pictures of the dogs did make me giggle. I really needed that today, so thanks for posting them! Are they your dogs, or are they just pictures you found on the internet?

  3. Hey Kelsey, John Mulaney AND Ilana Glazer?! I like you!! Going off of what Elana said, yes definitely check out the Sack Lunch Bunch, it's like the after-school special of my dreams. I'm also one to laugh and pretty dry humor, so I think we'll get along well. I would also like to invest in one of those "don't touch me" vests that dog has on.

  4. Good post that gives us a sense of who you are!
