Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Getting to know Cheyenne

1) Introduce yourself. Tell us a bit about who you are.

My name is Cheyenne Wilson. I am a senior but this is only my second year here at Shepherd. I started as a biology major but after 2 years decided it was not for me and I am now studying psychology with the hopes of studying neuropsychology in graduate school. I grew up near Cumberland, Maryland in a tiny town of 600 people called Short Gap, WV and went to school at Frankfort High. I live on campus here at Shepherd but my "home" is with my mom in Cumberland. I also spend a considerable amount of time in Rockville, MD with my boyfriend Steven. I spend most of my free time watching Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, etc. but I also love to craft! I make more "functional art" than decorative art. Just before posting this blog, I made these ring holders out of clay for my desk (see below). You can see some letters I painted in the back too. I am not a professional by any means, but its calming and I enjoy it, so that's what matters. :) 
2) Why are you taking this class? What do you hope to learn or gain from it? (Even if you are just taking it because you need the credits, you should still push yourself to write about some thoughtful goals.)

Since I became a psychology major a little late in the game, I am going to have to take a fifth year. I have most of my credits, but the remaining classes I need for my major are taken in a sequence and I cannot take them at the same time. While looking for extra classes to fill up my schedule, I saw that Dr. Hanrahan (my favorite professor) was teaching a GWST class. I ran into her at a basketball game and asked what the topic of the seminar was which is when she told me it was gender and humor, but unfortunately it was full already. I could not believe I was going to miss out on this class! I checked Rail everyday to see if anyone had dropped it and lucky for me, somebody did. Here I am! I am extremely excited to have a space to speak on topics such as feminism, sexism, and women in professional settings. I am interested in hearing everyone's viewpoint on each topic and hopefully make some new friends in the process. 
3) What makes you laugh? Who are some of your favorite funny people and why?

I laugh at just about everything. When I am in need of a laugh, I watch old Vine videos or the TV show "The Mindy Project." I LOVE Mindy Kaling and I am SO excited she is on the syllabus. She makes fun of herself a lot which really resonates with my sense of self-depreciating humor. The funniest person I actually know is my niece Sophie. She just turned 5 years old and her mind is unfiltered. She blurts out whatever she is thinking. She is such a riot. Here's a video of her living the dream.


  1. I'm glad a seat in the course opened up for you. A similar thing happened to me when I was registering for another course. I was constantly checking to see if a seat would open up as well!

  2. As an Art minor, I make primarily decorative art. I adore the ring holders and letters you made! Have you ever considered selling some of your pieces? If so, I would very much like to know!
    I am so glad you got to be in this class! Dr. Hanrahan is my favorite professor as well, and classes with her seem to have really productive and engaging conversations!
    Also, I love Mindy Kaling! I first found her, as many people did, by watching "The Office".

  3. I thought I was the only one who watched old Vines on Youtube! I missed out on Vine because I thought it was “too mainstream” when I was in middle school and high school (yeah, yeah, that was a mistake, I know that now). Also your niece is adorable!

  4. Hey Cheyenne, kind of similarly I came in to Shepherd as a nursing major and quickly decided, "hey, this isn't what I want to do at all." I switched to political science, and then finally found my home in the Comm department. I love those ring holders also! I'm not very good with my hands so art isn't really my strong suit. I've never had Dr.Hanrahan in class, but I already really enjoy her teaching style, and she just seems fun. I'm excited for this semester and to get to know you more!

  5. Awww...thanks for the nice comments, Cheyenne (and thanks to those of you saying nice things in the comments). I really love that little video of Sophie!

  6. I love your beautiful ring holders. As an art major I also cherish art that is absolutely functional. Something I find to be functional is if art is free. I love hanging pieces but sometimes they get so expensive. I love that your own art can allow you to create or repurpose things to make decoration for almost no cost!
