Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Getting to know Holly! :)

1.) Hi, my name is Holly McAndrew! I graduated as salutatorian from South Hagerstown High School, and I have lived in Maryland for nearly 4 years now. Before that, I lived in Slidell, Louisiana, for my entire life. I have 3 siblings: Maggie, Luke, and Sabrina. We're all smart and incredibly competitive, especially about our height differences (I'm the 2nd tallest and my little brother is now 6'0").  Personally, I love reading, being overly prepared for everything, and eating bread and pasta (and I would live at Olive Garden if I have the choice). I'm also a commuter, a workaholic, and excited to take this class!

2.) So, technically, I'm taking this class because it's required in the Honors Scholars program and I want to finish this requirement. However, I personally want to take this class because I want to surround myself with funny, interesting people and conversations. Honestly, I consider myself bright and outgoing, but I have never considered myself funny. In fact, I'm more "quirky" and "outgoing" and "witty", which makes others laugh in good fun while making up for my lack of humor.

Anyways, I digress. I'm taking this class because I want to enjoy what makes other people laugh or find funny while exploring these brilliant female, minority, or queer comedians. By the end of the course, I hope to discover new material that makes me laugh, new friends that I wouldn't normally be around in my major, and a new perspective for the community around me. In the end, I only aim to grow as both a student and a person.

3.) So, I claimed I didn't have a sense of humor. In actuality, it's more like I have an awkward sense of humor that even I barely understand. I don't find most material funny, like comedies such as Dumb and Dumber, but I also find dad jokes bizarrely hilarious. I also love situational humor, which is shown through my love of The Office. People-wise, I find celebrities like Steve Carell and Will Ferrell (in Elf  and on SNL) hilarious because of their remarkable goofiness. I also love Jimmy Fallon, but only because I find it funny and endearing whenever he breaks character. However, the only people that make me laugh that I interact with daily include my dad, my brother, and my boyfriend, Cole. They understand my weird sense of humor since they share it, as well. I'll include pictures of them below (except my dad, who's paranoid about strangers seeing his pictures without his consent):

Don't let my brother know I shared this (because then I'd be excused from life), but here's him when he tried to dress like a girl with a crop top and choker.

And here's when my boyfriend (before we were dating) and I both accidentally dressed as memes for a Halloween party. (My weirdo boyfriend dressed as the dude from Flex Tape commercials. :P)


  1. Hi Holly! I want to stop by and share my favorite dad joke that always gets a laugh. The joke is about macaroni... you know what? I think it might be too cheesy to share. :-)

    1. Wow, not only is your joke hilarious and actually made me laugh out loud, but it even has pasta as the subject! I love pasta and this joke and your smiley face! AMAZING. :D

  2. It is funny to me how many people have brought up the show "The Office." It is like our generational "Seinfeld" or "I Love Lucy." I agree it must be the situational humor, or just Kevin hilariously spilling his famous chili.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I am so interested in your claim that you never saw yourself as "funny." That makes me think of Gray's comment about how we often call women's humor something else. (And sorry, but you are funny!)
