Thursday, January 30, 2020

My Team *inster heart here*

I honestly loved everything that Phoeler wrote. Even though I had never seen Parks and Rec, I really like the chapter where she described all of her coworkers. After reading this chapter I thought about all the great moments with the great people I have met. Particularly on my softball team and the job I had as a camp counselor, these last two years. This post is going to look pretty much look just like that chapter in her book, for the softball team here at Shepherd.
Daisy (Daisy Girl): Hey that’s me!
Position: Outfielder
Haley (Hailes): Haley is my best friend for life. I have no idea what I would do without this girl in my life. She is my roommate here at Shepherd, and anyone you ask from the team says we are inseparable. Haley and I will fight for 5 minutes, and the next minute its do you want to go eat or talking about how our days were. Haley is not afraid to tell me how it is, and I love that. If I’m acting like a bitch, she will let me know. There are also times we had morning classes at the same time last semester, we would get up, get ready, and get on the EPTA together, but we wouldn’t say a single word to each other until after that class was over.
Position: Catcher
Favorite moment: “Haley I’m taking this from your closet, also I’m wearing your jeans. Oh, and do you have any no-show socks?”
I laughed the hardest: When we spend the entirety of practice hyping each other up.
Nicole (Coley): Nicole is probably the one of the biggest riders on the team. Meaning she will do anything for anyone of us. If someone needs something, she is going to be the first person to be there helping them out. Nicole is also one of the funniest people you will ever meet. Not only that but this girl is a BADASS on the field. She came here as a freshman and started. Not only did she start she was also our leadoff batter in some games. She is an amazing softball player and an even better friend/teammate.
Position: 3rd Base
Favorite moment: Watching Nicole play at any time.
I laughed the hardest: “You already know the vibes” “You already know what the fuck is up guys.”
Sarah (Sar): Sarah is the mom of the team. You need something, ibuprofen, a band aid, tissue, you name it she has it. If you are leaving to go somewhere, she is the first person to say, “Be safe” or “Let me know if you need anything.” Sarah is the biggest sweetheart; she would do anything for someone she cares about.She is also the most enthusiastic person on the team, at all times.
Position: Pitcher
Favorite moment: When we were doing a team conditioning coach incorporated this thing where anytime she said, “We are” we had to slap the floor and yell “Shepherd” and the only person you heard was Sarah.
I laughed the hardest: Same thing.
Tori (Tor): Tori is quite amazing. Her and I can butt heads sometimes, because we are both so competitive. But honestly that’s my favorite trait from her. Her competitiveness and refusal to give up, makes her a better player and a better person. Even though her and I don’t get alone 100% of the time, she is still one of my closest friends and I wouldn’t trade her for anyone else in the world.
Position: 1st base
Favorite moment: Hitting with her today when Ashley wasn’t there.
I laughed the hardest: When she kept miss hitting balls off the tee and she just said “Fuck” in a really annoyed but joking voice.
Cameron (Cam): Cam just transferred here this semester, but she got here, and she was herself. I was so proud of her for that because that can be so hard to do in new places with new people. She fits in great with the team, and already I love this girl so much! I can tell her, and I are going to be really close in these coming years.
Position: 1st base
Favorite moment: Singing together/to each other.
I laughed the hardest: same thing.
Lindsey (Linds): Linds is very shy at first. But once you get to know her, she is quite an amazing person. She is always hyping everyone up. Linds is probably one of the most country girls I know. She goes hunting, and finishing. She really likes that country music.
Position: Catcher
Favorite moment: When she walked out to hit last year, and Hannah Montana came on because she chose it as her walk up song.
I laughed the hardest: Anytime she says maybe to hanging out but she really means no.
Freshman: These will probably be shorter because I just met them this year.
Ashley M (Ash): Man, this girl, she’s my throwing and hitting partner. That means I spend a lot of time with her. Ashley always means well; she is also one of the most coachable players on the team. We have a special little way we end our throwing together, if I had known the last time we threw I was going to write my blog on this I would have gotten permission from coach to record it for class and attached it to my post.
Position: Outfield/Pitcher
Favorite moment: When she sent me a Tik Tok about throwing partners who throw too hard. 

I laughed the hardest: When she fell twice at the same practice.
Kylie (Ky): Ahhhhhhh Kylie. I love this girl. She is one of the biggest sweethearts. If you seem upset, she is one of the first people to check on you. This girl always knows how to make you laugh. Kylie she is also a BADASS on the field, some of the things she is able to do surprise me all the time.
Position: 3rd Base
Favorite moment: Watching her play 3rd during scrimmages
I laughed the hardest: When she showed us her room at the town house and since she doesn’t have a door she had two curtains hanging up.
Alex: Alex and I butt heads all the time too, but that’s only because our personalities. When Alex and I aren’t butting heads, we get along really well. She is really sarcastic and loving all at the same time. She takes jokes really well. She’s a super amazing loving person all the time, even when we aren’t getting along.
Position: Catcher
Favorite moment: Giving her the secret Santa gift I got her.
I laughed the hardest: Anytime her and I decide to get sarcastic and mess with each other.
Katie: Katie was another one who was shy at first. But man, once you get to know her, she is a world of fun. Katie is also a big sweetheart; I have never seen this girl mad.
Position: Pitcher
Favorite moment: Hearing her curse for the first time
I laughed the hardest: When we made a softball Tik Tok with “no right answers” and she was asked “What’s your biggest fear” and her response was “Rubber ducky,”
Hannah (Han): Hannah is kind of shy too. She is a very nice humble person, but she can get mad too. Hannah is extremely competitive.
Position: Outfield
Favorite moment: Any time her and I run next to each other.
I laughed the hardest: When I heard her yell for the first time in the outfield.
Ashley B (Smashley): Ashley is one of the funniest people. She doesn’t care what anyone thinks about her, and I love that about her. She is always going to be herself and tell people how it is and that is truly amazing. Ashley is another one of those BADASSES on the field. I mean this girl can do it all.
Position: Short Stop
Favorite moment: Watching her play.
I laughed the hardest: On her 21st birthday when we were tailgating.
Leann (Lee): Leann is one of the humblest people I have ever met. She is an amazing ball player. She is also very confident on the field, and that’s one of the most important things you can be as a softball player.
Position: 2nd Base
Favorite moment: Watching her play.
I laughed the hardest: She might kill me if she ever sees this, but last year at a game she dove for a ball and made the play, but when she dove, she peed and had to change her pants in the dugout.
Cheyenne (Chey): Chey is a BADASS on and off the field. The amount of confidence this girl has is amazing. I aspire to have as much confidence as she has. She is one of the sweetest girls on this team, but she is also not afraid to tell you how it is.
Position: Pitcher
Favorite moment: Any time she finds out someone is “talking” to someone.
I laughed the hardest: When she found out I was talking to someone and she said “Damn okay daisy, He’s lowkey ripped.”
Allison (Al or Ally B): Allison is the best friend of everyone on the team. You can talk to Allison about anything that going on in your life. Allison is the definition of there is no I in TEAM. She is so selfless.
Position: Outfield
Favorite moment: When she plays sad country music while we are lifting.
I laughed the hardest: Last year on the bus when I realized I put my deodorant under the bus, and I asked if I could use hers and she threw it at me.
Kayla (Kay): Kayla is so funny. She is also one of the strongest girls on the team, mentally and physically. She tore her ACL last year and that was tough for her but here she is bouncing right back. Today at lifting we were doing single arm dumbbell bench press. When I say this girl using a 60-pound dumbbell, that is not an exaggeration.
Position: Outfield
Favorite moment: When I found out she was finally coming back after tearing her ACL.
I laughed the hardest: Anytime she talks about how dumb her fiancé is.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you feel like you can share this with your teammates. Sounds like a great group of women! Also, this made me laugh because I know people just like this: "Anytime she says maybe to hanging out but she really means no."
