Thursday, January 23, 2020

Week 2: Girls have standards

Ever since reading Tina Feys All Girls Must be Everything, I've been thinking a lot about the beauty standards we as women are held to everyday. Most of the standards she lists, we are still held to today. However, she also mentions how they are ever changing. The part in the story where her cousin Janet makes a comment about another woman's hips (pg 20), makes me think about how even now woman can be so mean to each other. Being on a girls sports team I see this a lot. I can say for myself I’ve even made some not so nice comments about other women. I think some of the standards we as women are held to are made by other women out there. We set these standards by making comments like “look at insert down grading comment here”. I don’t think any of us can say we haven’t made a comment like that before, and if you haven’t well then good for you sister. I think that if all women thought nicer about other women a lot of these beauty standards would disappear. However, that’s not to say men don’t create some of the beauty standards we are held to because they certainly do.
When Fey told the story about Snow White compared to Sleeping Beauty. Her daughter said Sleeping Beauty was prettier, because of her hair (pg 22). I can certainly say I did things like this when I was little. However, I always thought Ariel was the prettiest princess. I’m not sure if this is because I related to her with the red hair or something else. I had more Bratz dolls than anything else though, my favorite Brat was always Jade. For anyone who doesn’t know Bratz… Jade is the one with black hair kind of sassy. But I believe what we grow up liking when we are little can lead to the standards we set for ourselves and other women as we get older.

I think my favorite part of this reading was when she made a list of her own features that she wouldn’t give up for anyone else’s features (pg 24 and 25). I think that would be an interesting activity for all of us to do. I think its something everyone should do, men, women and other people alike. But I also think that we should be happy about everything we have. I believe that no matter what everyone should be confident about themselves and comfortable in their own skin.
The things I like about my self are:
My athletic ability.
I’m short. Shorter than average so people like to joke about it, but I personally love it.
My red hair. Which if you have any ginger jokes I find them incredibly hilarious.
My Freckles. Which actually help me to look more tan.
Although not appropriate to mention in most situations my butt and my boobs. Which my friends all like to say are extremely unproportionate to my body type… but I love them.
Maybe you guys can post you lists too.

Lastly I saw this picture on Facebook last night. It reminded me of this class so I thought that I could share.
We can all use this as a reminder to love ourselves, be confident, and be ourselves.


  1. I loved your story and your list of traits! You are so right that women need to stop trying to bring other women down, and need to instead focus on lifting other women up! That idea of women being in competition with each other needs to be fixed in order to help make these cruel and unrealistic beauty standards disappear from our society.

  2. I appreciate the honesty in this post. I don’t know a single person, including myself, who hasn’t made a comment about a girl’s appearance, whether it’s about how a piece of clothing fits or a distinct body part that doesn’t fit the societal “norm”. We tend to separate what we think are “critiques” and “body-shaming”, when in reality, they are the same thing.

  3. I appreciate your thoughts and ideas here. You're right: if we could all spread for love for ourselves and other women, maybe we could finally stop comparing each other and tearing ourselves down. I also really really love your list, and I hope I can be more self-caring too. <3
