Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Getting to Know: Hannah Flach

1) Introduce yourself. Tell us a bit about who you are.

My name is Hannah Flach. I am a music education major with a focus in instrumental music education. This is my third year at shepherd university. I am from Baltimore. Outside of classes I enjoy making art and spending time outside. I almost always have a cup of coffee in my hand or in my bag.  I have two siblings and a dog at home in Baltimore, along with two parents who are both teachers.  This past December I finally grew the courage to post some of my music on SoundCloud which was a major accomplishment for me to put myself out there.

2) Why are you taking this class? What do you hope to learn or gain from it? (Even if you are just taking it because you need the credits, you should still push yourself to write about some thoughtful goals.)

I am taking this class firstly to fulfill my honors seminar requirement, but I excitedly signed up for this class when I saw it as an option.  I enjoy my honors classes because they allow me to take classes I wouldn’t normally be able to take because of how full my schedule as a music major can be. I am excited to learn and discuss female and queer comedians and writers. My boyfriend and I enjoy watching standup together because he aspires to be a stand up comedian. I am looking forward to sharing the stand up we watch for class with him and sharing bits of our discussions in class with him.  

3) What makes you laugh? Who are some of your favorite funny people and why?

I enjoy watching stand up comedy, it often makes me laugh.  I do not enjoy comedy which attacks people with special needs or takes making fun of people too far.  I understand and acknowledge a lot of humor comes from saying things which aren’t necessarily politically correct, but I don’t find stand up, jokes, or memes funny when this is taken too far.  I enjoy comedy which tell relatable and slightly unfortunate stories, like when people tell stories of unbelievably unfortunate things which happen to them that they simply could not make up.  Recently, I’ve enjoyed watching roasts with my sister.  I enjoy the harmless attacks on people’s flaws in the public eye. Some of my comedians I enjoy include Ali Wong, Chris D’Elia, and some of Jeff Dunham’s standup.  I enjoy Ali Wong because she can be brutally honest and open about her life. I like Jeff Dunham because I enjoy that he did something different by introducing ventriloquism to stand up.


  1. Hi Flach! I really admire anyone who goes through the music department here at Shepherd, your schedules and work load is so much, and I know I could never do it! I also really like watching Ali Wong, her humor is so knee-jerk funny and raw since she relates it back to her life.

  2. Hey Hannah! I feel weird calling you Flach, since I've always referred to you as Hannah. Lol, sorry, I'm a creature of habit. I totally admire you taking the step of posting your own music on SoundCloud. If I had the time and confidence to do that, I would love to share my music too, but honestly, I feel like I barely have any time to play the music I love being in the music program. You know the feeling I'm sure. What kind of music is it? Is it tuba repertoire or some of the rock songs you used to sing in that band you were in? I'd love to hear it sometime!

  3. Hey Flach, first I wanna say big props to you for putting your music out there! That takes a lot of guts. I wish I was more musical. I've watched a little of each of Ali Wong and Chris D'Elia and I really enjoy both of them. Jeff Dunham I can't get behind only because the dummies kind of freak me out, but the material is funny! I also agree, "comedy" that uses attacking people to try to be funny just makes me upset, that's not humor to me. I'm looking forward to getting to know you and the rest of our classmates.

  4. I am with the folks above: good for you for putting your music out there!

  5. I love your commitment to watching stand-up with your boyfriend, which I relate to with all the crazy, nerdy YouTube videos I watched just to see my boyfriend enjoy them. Also, personally I can't watch roast sessions. After watching "The Office" and the roast session aimed at the boss, Michael Scott, I feel too sensitive towards any possibly mean-spirited jests. However, I'm overly sensitive in general, so please enjoy the hilarious cooks, roasts, and ribs (which sounds like a statement about a restaurant now that I think about it). Finally, I would love to support your music on SoundCloud if you're willing to share with the class. :)
