Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Getting To Know...Vivienne Wells

1) Introduce yourself. Tell us a bit about who you are.
Hello! I'm Vivienne Wells. I am a second-semester Sophomore here at Shepherd University. My major is English Literature because I've loved reading and writing for as long as I can remember. I'm minoring in Art History because I think it's fascinating to learn about artists and paintings, and I also enjoy making art of my own. I was born in Ohio, but I've also lived in Pennsylvania and West Virginia. I've lived in Charles Town, West Virginia for six years now, which is the longest I've lived anywhere since I was a kid! I have five siblings (four sisters and one brother) who are mostly wonderful, but occasionally annoying. My hobbies besides reading and writing include watching YouTube, drawing, completing Jigsaw puzzles, and using my record player to listen to all of my favorite songs on vinyl. I like to call myself a professional fangirl because I spend more time with my head stuck in the clouds of fictional worlds than I spend time grounded on Earth.

Here is a picture of my five siblings and I at Disney World back in June 2019. It rained pretty much nonstop on our trip, so we are wearing ponchos.
2) Why are you taking this class? What do you hope to learn or gain from it? 

I am taking Honors 389 for two reasons: I need the credit, and the subject of the course intrigued me. I consider myself a feminist and an LGBTQ+ ally. This course puts woman and the queer community in the spotlight, therefore the material is important to me. I'm looking forward to class discussions and hearing the opinions and ideas of everyone in the course.

3) What makes you laugh? Who are some of your favorite funny people and why?

I love to laugh and I love making people laugh. My siblings always look to me to find the humor in any situation. I can laugh myself to tears at a meme, a Vine, or even a knock-knock joke! My favorite comedians and funny people in general are John Mulaney, Stephen Colbert, Brian Regan, Ellen DeGeneres, Jim Carrey, and the late Robin Williams because they find so much humor in everyday life, and I admire that.

Here's a picture of some yellow daffodils because I'm obsessed with the color yellow and daffodils.


  1. It must be so nice to have a large family! I only have 1 sister and I have always maintained that I will have at least 4 children. I am taking an art class this semester which will be my first real class centered around famous pieces of art. Hopefully it will be just as interesting as you made it sound! I have a feeling this will be a great class. I'm excited to get to know you more!

    1. I'd say 90% of the time it's cool to have a big family. It is really hard to get some personal/alone time though! The art department here at Shepherd is great from what I've seen, so I think you'll enjoy your first art course.

  2. As I was reading your post, I was a little spooked at how often I thought to myself, "that is literally me". I think Ellen DeGeneres is such an amazing comedian, and person in general. Also, my little brother and I bond very strongly through our love of John Mulaney, and make references to his Netflix specials often.
    Finally, I would just like to mention that I adore yellow daffodils, something about them just makes me smile!

    P.S. Rest In Peace, Vine.

    1. Yes, daffodils are the best flower, no contest! Hopefully we'll check out some of Ellen's standup during this course, that'd be cool.

  3. Similarly to Cheyenne, I think it must be very nice to have a bigger family. I only have a half brother who I rarely see, so sometimes it can be a little lonely. I also enjoy many different forms of humor, as you do. I like many tv shows such as New Girl and Park and Rec, along with many Youtube channels (and Vine).

  4. Yeah sometimes I think I'd like to be an only child, but I know I'd be bored without my crazy siblings!

  5. A good post that gives readers a nice sense of who you are. I also like the daffodils picture, especially welcome as winter digs back in!
