Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Getting to know Hannah Wizbicki

1) Introduce yourself. Tell us a bit about who you are.

Hello! My name is Hannah and I am from New Market, MD (which is close enough to Frederick that I just tell people that). I am currently a sophomore here at Shepherd studying Biochemistry. At home, I have two adorable pit mixes named Sophie and Pepper along with a bearded dragon named Bernard. At home, I have a half brother who I rarely see, so it can be quite lonely sometimes. Luckily, I spend lots of time with my friends and make sure to keep myself busy with work (I work for a dog sitting business). Some hobbies of mine include hiking, watching hockey, spending time with my friends (and dogs), as well as occasionally painting. Before coming to college, I played basketball for about ten years. Even though I wished to play basketball collegiately, Shepherd became the best choice for me financially so I chose to focus more on my education! Though basketball was my main sport, I was also briefly involved in volleyball and horseback riding.

This is me and Sophie (:
This is Pepper

2) Why are you taking this class? What do you hope to learn or gain from it? (Even if you are just taking it because you need the credits, you should still push yourself to write about some thoughtful goals.)

I am mostly taking this class so that I can receive my honors seminar credit, though having Dr. Hanrahan is a factor that definitely contributed to my decision. Last semester I took an Intro to American Literature course with her and absolutely loved her teaching style. She is a professor who truly has a passion for teaching and improving the lives of her students. I also thought that the topic of this seminar was very interesting and since I only have to take one seminar for the honors college, I knew that I shouldn't miss out on a good opportunity. 

3) What makes you laugh? Who are some of your favorite funny people and why?

In general, I tend to laugh at anything. Ironically, I haven't watched a ton of stand up comedy and I was hoping that this course would help me understand and appreciate the humor better. I am a big fan of the show New Girl and I love the humor that is featured in it. I also enjoy many Youtubers and podcasts. Overall, I would not say that I do not have a specific source of my humor since I enjoy a large array of comedy. 


  1. Call me uninformed but what is required to be in the honors program? Are you a special smarty-pants? If so, I find that awesome! You should be very proud! Flaunt that big brain girl. What makes you interested in biochemistry?

    1. I don't remember the full requirements for the Honor's College, but it isn't too difficult to apply! The main difficultly is taking the extra honors credit classes and having to complete a second capstone. Thank you very much for the praise! I have always loved science (especially chemistry) and adding a biology concentration helps expand my career pathways.

  2. Wow, some of your points felt really reflected in myself! For starters, I tend to also keep myself busy with work (which means 20+ hour work weeks while balancing school). I also picked Shepherd as my school because it was the most frugal option for me (because who needs debt when I can commute). Also, I'm truly curious what podcasts you listen to! If you have any suggestions, I would love to hear some. :)

  3. Thanks for the nice comments! They mean a lot to me. And thanks for the cute dog content.
