Thursday, January 16, 2020

Getting to know Brittany

11) Hi! My name is Brittany. I’m a junior here at Shepherd. I’m a sociology major with a criminal justice concentration and I’m dual minored in psychology and gender and women’s studies. I’m currently a respite worker, I help take care of twin boys who are on the autism spectrum. It can be challenging some day’s but it’s ultimately very rewarding and I thoroughly enjoy it. I have lived in Charles Town, West Virginia since I was six so that’s where I call home. My hobbies include binging Netflix series, reading mystery novels (typically murder mystery because those are my favorite) and doing puzzles.

22)  One of the reasons I’m taking gender and women’s studies 350 is because I added gender and women’s studies as a second minor. I’m taking this class specifically because I love to laugh, and I figured since this is gonna be a stressful semester, it would be good to add a class I would enjoy to my schedule. I’m really looking forward to learning about how women grew into taking over the comedic scene. It used to be that any funny movie that came out would only ever have a male lead and typically an all, or mostly male cast. Now, there’s many new comedic movies and shows coming out where the lead is a female or it has an all, or mostly female cast. I’ve never been super into comedy so I’m not really sure when the shift happened, and I hope to gain a better appreciation for it.

  3) I don’t watch a lot of stand-up comedy so I’m less experienced there. Dark humor is probably my favorite, but I also love bad jokes. I do enjoy watching comedy movies and comedic tv shows though. Mostly what makes me laugh is my friends, specifically my best friend. I’m ninety-nine percent certain our conversations have been flagged by the FBI for their content. My friends are the kind of people who are effortlessly funny. You can always enjoy yourself around them and have a good time. They're the kind of people who will make you laugh so much you’ll actually hurt afterwards. It’s great because it makes me feel like I’ve exercised without actually putting any effort in.


  1. Hi Brittany! I also love reading Murder Mystery novels! Although, I often times finding myself leaning heavily towards the Non-fiction versions over the fiction. I don't know if you have read it before, but the Non-fiction murder investigation book I have been loving lately is "A Deadly Game: The Untold Story of the Scott Peterson Investigation" by Catherine Crier. It is from a different perspective, gives unreleased interviews and really puts you into the detective's shoes of the Laci Peterson investigation. Also, if you're interested Hulu has the tv series on the investigation and they are great to read/ watch back to back! Also, I agree with you about the FBI flagging your conversations with your best friend. I'm sure that my conversations with my bestfriends have probably been flagged as well!

  2. For starters, if you want a challenge with puzzles, please check out whimsy puzzles! They're sold from Europe, but my mom has collected some. After you try out this style of puzzles, the amazing challenge will keep you wanting more of these puzzles.
    Also, I never considered that point, but I love your reason for taking this class. With my busy schedule, having a class to just laugh and enjoy comedy sounds like a pristine way to unwind. Even if the material is outside what I'm exposed to on the daily (bad dad jokes mostly), I can't wait to enjoy myself in this class.

  3. Hey Brittany! First of all, I absolutely love your last line. Laughing is about as much exercise as I'm willing to do ever. I agree with you that this class is refreshing and nice to have in an otherwise stressful schedule. Sadly, I rarely ever enjoy my classes because they're mostly subjects I'm forced to take like Brass Techniques in order to be a CHOIR teacher. Even though this class doesn't directly pertain to my future career, it is interesting and I know I will learn many valuable and applicable things from it. It also is amazing that we will be able to have such important and serious discussions about funny topics. I just love the idea of a class like that, and it seems like you do too!

  4. This post made me chuckle a couple of times! Love it.
