Friday, January 17, 2020

Getting to Know Aneyla

Hi friends!

My name's Aneyla (a-NAY-la), but I've been called just about every variation of those letters (and also Amelia once, but let's not even get into that). I'm an English Education major, but I'm not sure if I'll ever teach in a conventional high school classroom. I'm hoping to pursue some type of global service opportunity after I graduate, possibly through the Peace Corps, and I'd love to eventually teach abroad. My favorite thing in the world is connection, whether that be with people or with nature, so you can always find me doing some kind of outdoor activity or surrounded by people I love.

I took this class because it's a requirement for my Honors curriculum, but I was actually really excited that this was the seminar I got the opportunity to take. I've heard nothing but good things about the Gender and Women's Studies classes offered at Shepherd. They've been recommended to me by several people, so when I looked at the syllabus and saw that HNRS 389 was taught alongside a GWST class, I was stoked! In this class I hope to learn how and why humor differs between social groups, and obviously, I hope to laugh a lot.

I am always laughing. Similar to what Dr. Hanrahan said in her post, people always say, "I knew you were over here because I heard your laugh." I tend to gravitate towards the jokesters, and I think that's because I truly believe that laughter has the power to heal, and to bridge the gaps between people. It's hard to feel far from someone when you're laughing together. It's hard to feel sad, too.

My favorite funny people are my best friends and my family, but my little sister takes the number one spot. That girl is FUNNY. Even when she doesn't mean to be. Enjoy these pictures of her pretending she doesn't like me:

And this one that proves that deep down, she really does love me.

Until next time,
Aneyla D.


  1. Love this post and these pictures, too.

  2. For starters, I have always envisioned myself being awesome enough to join the Peace Corps. Also, random thought: the first time I actually heard about the Peace Corps was a "How I Met Your Mother" episode when Barney Stinson (a cynical playboy) was once so kind and generous to join the Peace Corps. Anyways, I admire your love for your sister. It makes me think of my own 14 year-old sister, but she's more a giant goofball/dork (which I say lovingly) than a jokester. Finally, I truly respect your passion for "connections". If each person was more connected to the world, the world would be better for it. :)
