Monday, January 13, 2020

Getting to know Kennedy :)...

1)    Introduce yourself. Tell us a bit about who you are.
I was born and raised in Martinsburg and have always lived here until last year when I moved to Morgantown to attend WVU for a year before transferring back home. I am set to graduate next Spring semester and after graduation, I am planning on packing up and moving somewhere new. Where that is? I am not sure, but I do know I want to experience new things and expand my horizons! In my free time I love painting, kayaking, watching movies, or listening to my favorite podcast, My Favorite Murderer. I just got a new kitten, who I have raised since she was around 3-4 weeks old. She has become my best friend and she loves to watch movies with me or sit on my laptop when I am working on something. I also have a two-year old Great Dane/ Mastiff mix, who looks/ sounds very intimidating, but she is the biggest baby.

2)    Why are you taking this class? What do you hope to learn or gain from it?
I am taking this class to fulfill my requirements for my minor, but I am also taking this class because I enjoy learning about how society shapes the way people behave (i.e. Sociology major). To further explain, I find it very interesting that many people rely on humor to demonstrate important messages or calls for action, because its seems to be only other way people respond to situations. I hope to learn about how comedy and humor truly impacts the message that is being relayed or delivered. 

3)    What makes you laugh? Who are some of your favorite funny people and why?
Honestly, I am a person who can (in most occasions) find humor in things. I laugh at things from totally different spectrums, from my cat doing crazy stunts around my house, to laughing randomly because I thought about something from the past that made me laugh. A few famous people who I enjoy watching for a good laugh include, Kevin Hart, Dwayne Johnson, Kristen Bell are just a few. I also love laughing at my favorite youtubers such as David Dobrik and his friends, Rachael Ballinger and Jenna Marbles. However, I also have people that I am close too that have made me laugh so hard I almost passed out, and they include my brother, my best friends and two of my cousins. My brother specifically makes me laugh because he can quote any movie, even if he’s only seen it once, and he then quotes some of these movies in some of the most random moments. My best friends and I laugh at the smallest and simplest things, which is what I enjoy the most. Finally, I have two twin cousins that I have a very close relationship with, and we also find humor in the smallest things, which makes our familial bond even stronger.  

This is my kitten Freya when she was around 
4 months. 

These are my best friends and this picture is the most
recent picture I had of all of us (2 years ago), which
very accurately describes our dysfunctionality. 

This is my precious baby Kleeo. 


  1. Hi Kennedy! I too was born in Martinsburg and was raised there for the first six years of my life. I now live in Charles Town which is close enough that I find myself in Martinsburg at least once a week. I think it's awesome that you want to go explore the world after college. I totally get it seeing as how I've lived in West Virginia my entire life. I too want to pack up and live anywhere else after graduation next year. I agree with your choice of comedians, I also love Kevin Hart and Dwayne Johnson especially when they're acting together.

  2. Hey Kennedy! Much like you and Brittany, I grew up in Martinsburg, and I'm planning on moving away as soon as I get a Master's degree to teach lol. Personally, I'd love to live somewhere warm and with a bit more diversity and culture. Plus, my achy bones and titanium spine don't like the cold too much, haha. Your kitten is absolutely PRECIOUS! When you were talking about how she's imprinted on you in class, my heart just melted. She sounds like the sweetest little snuggle buddy ever! Also, The Rock is one of my favs too, and I actually wish I had included him in my blog lol!

    1. Omg, and Kevin Hart too! How could I forget??? *insert face palm here*

  3. The juxtaposition of that tiny kitten and that big dog is making me chuckle!
