Thursday, April 23, 2020

Art and Beauty Standards: Perfection is Impossible

My project topic was to look at unrealistic beauty standards for women in society through the pieces we read in class, studies conducted on this topic, finding images online and then use myself as a canvas to portray a direct defiance of these standards through my appearance. For my major project, I created a slideshow of images and my own personal photos of defiance of how beauty standards are used against women in society. I also wrote a 6-page paper looking at how the pieces we read in class, the studies I found on this topic, and my personal analysis as well to help support my thesis. My thesis was: “The literature of these amazing authors and this class has inspired me to create a statement in the form of artwork, both through images from media and using myself as the canvas.”

I used this project as an opportunity to be able to talk about a topic that I am passionate about and be able to make a well-informed and powerful argument for this issue. I first researched studies that looked at how unrealistic beauty standards effected women in their daily lives for work, and also in their personal lives regarding their own self-image. I then looked for images to help portray these unrealistic beauty standards in a very visual way and composed them into a slideshow. After that, I looked at the writings of Fanny Fern and Amy Poehler where they discussed a woman’s image in society, how they are judged, and then how they were directly affected by it. Then, I also included parts of Tig Notaro’s comedy special “Happy to be here” by referencing her appearance while she performed and when she talked about how she is judged on a daily basis for her appearance and how she is mistaken for a man at least once a day.

I compiled all of this into both my paper and slideshow and was so happy with how it turned out. I was able to support my thesis by using the studies I found as evidence to support my claim, by incorporating the readings we had from Fern and Poehler and the comedy show by Notaro to present some real-life examples of how these unrealistic beauty standards affect women in their lives, and then I finally used the images I found on google by using the simple search key of “perfect woman.” The project as a whole showed me just how bad this issue actually is, and I have only scratched the surface of it. However, I felt a sense of pride and gratification after being able to share my piece and use my form of self-expression through my appearance to show defiance to the beauty standards and the love I have for myself no matter how I look.

This project was not only important to me personally, but important in general for the following reasons. It showed the double-standards women face and the oppression of women in society by judging them on their appearance and the idea that they can be this “perfect woman” in appearance. This project was just another voice that was added to the roar of women who are demanding to be respected and not be judged by their appearance in their daily lives. Especially since our male counterparts are not able to enjoy the same treatment that us as women have to endure. The only way change will happen is we join together and demand that it happens, and this project only adds to the increasing scream and shout of the movement that is demanding just that from the society we live in. I refuse to let my voice be silenced by the society I live in, and this project was my way of joining that roar.

Now I already knew a lot about this subject matter since I am a proud feminist and refuse to be caught uneducated about topics like these that affect me on a daily basis and still have to educate others about. (Insert forehead slap here) However, I still managed to learn some new things to add to my ever-growing knowledge on these subjects. I leaned that this brainwashing of unrealistic beauty standards is affecting girls as young as fourth grade, and probably even younger, during a time when KIDS are supposed to be enjoying their childhood, not worrying if they are “perfect” in their appearance. This was surprising as well since it confirmed for me that young girls are starting to worry about this at such a young age when they should be having fun, feeling carefree, and living life to the fullest. This showed that society is robbing children of their childhood’s, and it makes me sick to my stomach knowing that its not going away anytime soon.

My favorite part about this whole project was being able to talk about an issue that is close to my heart and that I am incredibly passionate about (if you couldn’t tell by now XD). The whole process of finding evidence to support my claim and putting it all together was so incredibly cathartic, and I am so proud of the finished product I created. This project allowed me to speak out and share my voice in an environment where I felt safe enough to not feel judged for it. I hope if you made it this far that you enjoyed this post as much as I did, and that you have fabulous rest of the semester. Keep being fabulous <3 


  1. Really interesting project, Kristina! This topic is close to my heart as well. Did you use parts of "All Girls Must Be Everything" from Tina Fey's book? I think her lists of the ridiculous amount of traits a "perfect woman" must have in order to be accepted would be right at home in your project.

    1. Hey Vivienne! I totally forgot about that list and now I'm kicking myself for not including it since I know it would've been perfect in my paper XD Thank you for your comment, it made me smile, and I hope you have a wonderful summer!

  2. OOOO I Agree with Vivienne!! I think that the expectations Fey lists off in her book would've been a perfect support to your thesis! I just really enjoyed this project Kristina. It is so interesting (and honestly horrifying) to explore what the internet has built up as
    "The Perfect Woman" and I think what is even crazier is the ways men STILL THINK they have a right to decide how we should look. Like the anatomy of a perfect woman in MENS HEALTH!? What!? That straight up just doesn't make any sense... Ugh. Great job Kristina. I really enjoyed the images you used alongside this post.

    1. Hi Hannah! As I let Vivienne know above, I totally forgot about that amazing list Fey used in her book about beauty standards and I will forever regret not including it as a fabulous piece of evidence in my paper XD Thank you so much for your comment, I really appreciate what you said and it made me smile after reading the compliments. I hope you have a fabulous summer and I hope to see you around campus :)

  3. Kristina, this project really spoke to my heart on a whole new level. When I was in high school I wrote a paper on the beauty standard affecting kids and how they grow up. The information I found on child self-harm and suicide due to bullying for unrealistic beauty standards was so disheartening. So, I am so happy you did this project to continue spreading the message of the unrealistic body standards! Great Job, you did amazing! :)

  4. Our obsession with beauty standards really has led to this crisis of self image. I mean people are legit protesting over their overgrown roots? Really? Who is judging you from inside your home? I think this project really sends home the idea that we must be comfortable in the skin we are born in and not let social standards trick us into thinking we are anything less than amazing!

  5. Amazing project idea and execution! Not only did I love the idea of the project but I loved the sources you used. Fey, Poehler, and Notaro are also spectacular women and I think that they are great depictions of the standards that women must live by. One thing that I have noticed is that there is not a single person out there that is "the standard". All women (and men) have flaws and that is what makes us all flawless. The more we focus on the specifics of our own beauty the less we can focus on what society tells us to do.

  6. I am so happy you chose a topic for your major project that you are so passionate about, not only because I am also passionate about it (and feminism in general), but because your passion really shines through in your work. While we've been focusing on women in comedy, you are right that unrealistic beauty standards impact us all, no matter who we are or what we do. The scariest part is how present these expectations still are today, in 2020, the ~future~. As someone who first recognized my body image problems in the 3rd grade, I can say that these ideas literally formed my life. It is so awful to think that this is still happening to young girls, and women (!!), even today. Thank you for using your voice to fight against it, it was a pleasure sitting by you and goofing off this semester. #JoinTheRoar

    1. I hate knowing that you were victim to this even younger then the third grade, but I'm so happy that you are such a powerful, confident, and bad-ass woman now! I really appreciate your comment, and I also loved sitting next to you this semester and I hope to see you around campus :) (P.S. I love the hashtag you used!)

  7. I think what you’re doing here is very important. Women are told that we need to look a certain way even if it’s in an indirect way. I think it’s important to let other women know we don’t have to live by that standard and that it’s okay to be our own people. I love what you’re doing here.

  8. Kristina, this is such a lovely project! Your title felt a bit like an attack, because I'm a perfectionist, and I refuse to accept that "perfection is impossible," even if I know it is deep down. :) Anyway, unrealistic beauty standards is also something that hits close to home for me, as I've struggled with not being enough my whole life. I absolutely loved the first image that you included with the quote; that idea is so powerful. I hope that one day I stop letting people's comments define me and no longer worry so much about unattainable beauty ideals.

  9. Throughout this whole class, it always made me so sad when the women in our class spoke about being insecure about their bodies. It especially made me sad when they had others point out features that they didn't even know they were "supposed to be" insecure about! This project is so important and empowering. I am so glad you were able to find a topic that you are really passionate about and make such a cool project out of it.

  10. Oh my gosh, I love everything about this project. At first I thought it was going to focus on extreme beauty standards around the world (I did a project on that before - look up "Chinese foot binding"). However, this strikes home for me. Everywhere we look, women are assaulted by remarks on how to look (diets!! ads!! exercise!! botox!! everywhere!!). It's like we are never meant to be content and happy about how we look, and instead we will always have to change and look better. I don't even know if women like JLo or Kim K or whoever will ever be satisfied, and if they're not, will women always have to suffer and break themselves to look better for others? Anyways, that's a rant for another day. I just want to say that I'm so happy you did this project, and I hope we can all raise more awareness and make a change somehow.

    1. I looked up the Chinese foot binding, and I'm glad I wasn't eating when I did so. I'm so happy you enjoyed my project and I now am so interested in looking into other countries beauty standards for women. It helps that I now have all of this free time (XD) so that will be my new topic I'll be obsessively researching. I loved having class with you this semester, and I hope you have an amazing summer!

  11. Kristina, I loved this! I took a look at the powerpoint you made for the project and I am so happy that you inserted a picture of yourself; standing in a defiant, confident pose in your outfit made it clear how serious this topic is to you. And you looked like a badass while doing so--kudos to you! And I had no clue that girls on average start worrying about their appearance in the 4th grade, and it is horrifying to think that 9-10 year olds are worrying about how they look. This project makes me think about how a lot of girls and women say that what a 14 year old now looks like a 20 year old 10 years ago, so knowing this process starts even earlier is actually disgusting. This was fantastic!

    1. Thank you for this comment, it really made me happy to know you understood what I was trying to do with my photo :) Also, thank you for all of the positive feedback on my project, it really made my day to read this. I hope you have an amazing summer and I'll see you when I see you girlie!

  12. This is awesome! Comparing men’s and women’s beauty standard against each other was so smart! I checked out your slideshow, and wow. The pictures you chose are so powerful, they speak volumes, and honestly almost made me cry. The societal standards put on women’s beauty is just sad. Im so glad you pointed out how toxic this environment is to women and girls of all ages. I think many women would benefit from seeing your project. It’s beautiful and so are you.

  13. I think what you've done is really important, Kristina. This is something that affects so many people, including myself. I've never loved my body but it's something I'm working on every day. My favorite part was the comparison between men's and women's beauty standards. I think this was super well done and it gave me some hope that we can change this environment.

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