Friday, April 10, 2020

This Ones for The Girl

This post will be all over the place, with a few sappy moments, so hang in there.
As I listened to the podcast "To The Only Boy We Ever Loved" and it made me want to write about my amazing girlfriend, so, here it goes.
I came out as bisexual officially, well, not too long ago. Before that, I would have people assume all the time I looked bisexual, I'm not sure how or what that means, but I'll take it.
First, before this amazing girl I'm about to talk about came along I had never felt so in place with someone. I had been with someone who I felt safe with, someone I could trust, but still something didn't fit, apparently that thing was me. Before her, I felt and experienced exactly what was quoted in the podcast I listened to, "if you let people in, then it hurts when they leave." (22:08) Can I get a big OOF!?

To the girl who caught me when I fell for her.
Thank you for being "that person" and for letting me know I'm "that person" you've been waiting for.
Thank you for being my best friend and accepting all of the weirdness that is me, and increasing the confidence I've never felt before (no joke).

Emalee, seriously has been the best friend I fell in love with. We met as kids at the School for the Blind, and became close friends my senior year when she began full time. Is there some sort of love story already written that follows this with an alternative? Maybe the sequel to "To All the Boys I've Loved", you know, the part when she ends up with the one? All the sappy love-life story aside, she is the girl of my dreams and I couldn't be more thankful, I'm excited for the journey ahead with her, the exciting things to the scariest things. She gives me the thirst everyone should feel in a relationship and I hope everyone finds their perfect dream guy/girl. As Tim McGraw would say "Life with you makes perfect sense, your my best friend."

Emalee and I at her and her Guide Dog's graduation last May at the Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind in Smithtown, NY. Blaze and Isla are sitting next to us, both pups are from the same organization.

This video was a recording of the surprise visit, the trainers knew I was coming but she didn't.

1 comment:

  1. That you for such a sweet post Jamie! I can definitely relate with many times concerning my boyfriend. I've had relationships in the past but I have truly not felt as comfortable and myself as I do with him. He has helped me grow as a personal and constantly pushes me to be happier. I am sure that you and your girlfriend have a similar relationship! Having somebody who truly understands you is one of the most comforting feelings in the world and I am very happy that you have that.
