Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Things to talk about other than the c-word

I'm sure that I'm not the only one who is in a very confusing and difficult state of mind. Having to transition all of your classes online is much easier said than done and learning has become a very different experience. One thing that has mostly remained the same is this class and how it is being operated. It might be online, but the discussions and deep ideas that come from our readings remain the same mentally. I think it is especially wonderful and helpful to have such an inspiring writer and comic to start off with this transitional week. Like most of the people we talk about, Guy Branum helped to give me a new insight into not only the lives of people who identify differently than me but also a new perspective on myself. 

To start off this week, we read "Prologue: Leto and the Lycian Peasants" and the start of this section kind of made me question if I was reading correctly. I had no idea how Branum was going to connect Greek mythology to the life of a gay man, but he certainly managed to do it. This introductory story was insightful and reminded us to always remember our potentials in life. As Leto hit rock bottom, "she remembered that she was a goddess" (3) and completely changed her view on life. She remembered that she was in control of more things that she thought and this story surprisingly has been helping me push myself through what could be dark times. 

We are all goddesses (even Nick) and it is important to remind ourselves of that once and a while. Like Branum says "a goddess needs worshippers ... in a pinch, just one will do" (5). So, if you ever feel alone during these weird times just remember that you will always have yourself (and I'm sure many, many others to support you). Keep in mind the things that you are in control of and control the heck out of them. Clean your room, organize what needs to be, go for a run outside, watch all seven episodes of "Tiger King" in one day like I did, or whatever you want. Just always make sure to remember that life is always way more in your hands than you think. 


  1. I agree that Branum has this skill of bringing in these seemingly tangental topics and tying them in to his personal narrative. I think he has been one of the more clever, stylistically, writers that we have encountered. He definitely has English major vibes writing skills.

    1. Agreed! He writes in a way that somehow seems to knit together seemingly unrelated ideas creating a humorous and enjoyable sweater (or blanket, or whatever floats your goat). Similarly with the other authors we've looked at, a lot of personality and internal dialogue shines through in the writing. It is the mark of a creative mind to be able to tie together seemingly unrelated ideas and bringing them together in a beautiful picture. I think that Branum has major English Major vibes for that reason.

  2. I love the title for this--it made me laugh out loud. I also agree that Branum has been one of the most interesting to read so far, and the only one who has made me laugh five minutes after he made me cry.

  3. This post is not at all what I thought it was going to be about, and I love that! It made me laugh so thank you for that. It also was a lot like Branums writing, very unexpected. I too am thankful for this class. It has been the easiest of all my class transitions and I enjoy reading all of the things my other classmates have posted. They genuinely make my week better.
