Thursday, April 9, 2020

Laugh Lines: THE BLOG

The topics we were assigned in class this week, couldn’t have come at a better time. Instead of analyzing chapters in a book, we got to listen to a podcast, and watch funny video clips. As far as homework goes, this was awesome homework! It was almost, dare I say, stress relieving for me to do these assignments. I know that makes me sound kind of pathetic, but you should see the other assignments I have to do in the up coming weeks. I’m sure you’ll understand that statement more when I tell you, one of them is creating an obituary for myself. Ya gotta love psychology of aging, right? It was the only psych class left open that fit my schedule.

Anyways, I thought we all needed a little bit of positivity in our lives this week. So, I’m going to talk about the parts I found the funniest from Amber Ruffins clips. My favorite quote, from absolutely all of the eight clips we watched, is when Amber says, "Then someone reminded me that JLo is fifty, and I was like what kind of sorcery is this? Who are you? Jenjamin buttons" (0:33-0:44). Now I don’t know if it was because of how stressed I was, or how absurd it was, but I laughed so hard at this I cried. I’m talking full on tears streaming down the face, almost hyperventilating, kind of laughing. It’s mainly the facial expressions she made when she said it. Her jokes are funny but her facial expressions are hilarious.

Another laugh line that really got me was during the, “COVID-19, 2020 Olympics postponed” video. During her Amber says what segment, Ruffin says, "So, first they were like, Amber you’re gonna film this on zoom, And I was like what is zoom? Is it that children's PBS show where little kids run around unsupervised? Because I do not care for unsupervised children" (0:48-1:01). I laughed with her instead of at her for this one, because I have felt the struggles of zoom! It’s the whole, can you hear me? Well what about now? Well what about when I do this? Oh wait, where’d you go? These struggles were painful at first, but now that I’ve gotten the hang of zoom I can laugh about them. I’ve even come to like zoom, but back to Amber. Once again her facial expressions were on point. She goes from excuse me, to confused, to shocked, to annoyed, and then excited, all within the span of twenty seconds. I wish I could process my rollercoaster of emotions that quickly. It would certainly make my life a little easier.

I also want to talk about the podcast Dr. Hanrahan, so graciously introduced us too. “Thirst Aid Kit” made my day. I very much enjoyed listening to these two women thirst over some fine, grown men. This is one podcast I can happily get behind as a fellow, lover of men. I will happily sit around for an hour listening to them describe the shoulder muscles of any man. I am a shoulders and arms kind of girl. The podcast episode I listened to was called, “To The Only Boy We Ever Loved”. My favorite line from the whole podcast is when Bim Adewunmi says, ““Much like I want to embrace Noah Centineo to my whole chest. (Who is 22 years old.) Amen! Hallelujah! … However, so that I can in good conscious move forward, I had to check just to make sure. And um yea, shout out to all 22 years of Mister C cause I’m here for it. I’m very here for it. God bless you sir” (5:36-6:02). I was laughing hysterically, while simultaneously nodding my head. These women have a way with words, and I for one, am here for it. Even though I didn’t laugh as much during this podcast as I have with other ones we listened to, I still thoroughly enjoyed it. I found myself smiling for many segments and reminiscing about teen love. It was light and airy. It made you feel good. I would happily listen to this podcast every day if I had more time in my life.

I’m thankful for this class, and for each and every one of you who are in it. I’m pretty sure it’s the only class I’ve had so far that I absolutely loved. Completing assignments for this class never feel like a chore, as they do for my other classes. I am especially glad I took it this semester, because of all the other things going on in the world right now. It’s one of the few things that bring me joy, and make me laugh. I genuinely think if any of you are struggling right now, you should just go back through and read old blog and forum posts from your fellow classmates. Because all of you are absolutely hilarious! You’ve certainly made this quarantine, and online schooling disaster, much easier for me.


  1. I laughed so hard just thinking about those Amber Ruffin lines again. She is so funny and I don't know how I've never watched her in anything before! I agree with you that this class is the best. Dr. H is such a great professor and really sets everyone up to succeed which makes it so much easier to enjoy the class! I rarely get the chance to make connections and really know my classmates but this class has been the exception. I love everybody in it!

  2. Oh man I needed this post this morning. I stayed up until odd hours of the night working on an assignment for my general pedagogy class (the bane of my existence) and it brought me to tears and made me so angry I was not to the touch. This post has already turned my morning around just thinking about this class. Thank you for reminding me that not all in life is as bad and painful as Dr. Gonzol's class

  3. I totally agree with how this class is probably the most favorite one I've taken at Shepherd. If I was having a crappy morning, and then I remembered I had this class that day, it would instantly put me in the best mood. It brought me so much joy and laughter to sit in class for 50ish minutes and joke around for a good portion of it. I was SO sad we went online if only for not being able to go in-person for this class only. Thank you for reminding me of all of this during such a stressful time, I definitely needed it. <3

  4. Love this post. Love these comments. You all are wonderful. It's been a blast for me, too.
