Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Why shaving your head might not be as crazy as it seems

I think we as a class need to talk more about how AMAZING it is that women are shaving their heads during this quarantine. Like it's actually a thing! I know it may seem like a weird thing at first but the fact that women are forgetting about those gender norms and just doing whatever they want their hair is prolific. I think that shaving your head is something that is powerful and brings strength to the individuals that do it. A bald head is sometimes seen in a weak or ugly connotation, as the article states "women are subjected to another thought process when they shave their head – the idea they might be sick” (Grieg). I think that these women change the way we see a shaved head. It’s something powerful, commendable, and most importantly feminine.

So why are so many women shaving their heads? Besides the fact that we won’t be seeing other people for months, I think it gives these ladies control. In a time that is full of uncertainties, it is important to know what you do have control over. In this case, your hair! The good thing about hair is that it always grows back so if you don’t like it, time will solve your problem. I also think that hair is such an unspoken icon with feminity and the way women see themselves as beautiful. Maybe this trend can help break that stereotype and produce more images of beauty. I mean, just look at all of these beautiful ladies!
 Women with shaved heads
women with shaved heads
women with shaved heads

This trend helps women to see that their beauty is not just determined by one factor. Instead of the physicality of beautiful, we see intelligent minds, inspiring mothers, talented workers, caring individuals, and confident women. The image that these ladies see of themselves is much less fragile and they can see that they are beautiful for being themselves. They were always beautiful and I hope that it's more obvious to them as to why.  I’m sure that these women are excited to get their beautiful bald heads after this quarantine is over.


  1. I definitely agree that women shaving their heads during the quarantine is an awesome expression of individualism and it defies gender norms. I've also always thought of hair as essential to society's definition of femininity, and the fact that some women are shaving off their hair is brave and commendable.

  2. I had no idea this was a thing! Fascinating! I got my hair cut *right* before everything started to shut down and I felt like a genius for doing it.

    You are right: these women look beautiful.

    I hope you all do talk about this more. It's really interesting.

  3. I think this is an interesting topic because it really brings to light the idea that hair/no hair does not make you more/less feminine. Hair is just our dead skin chilling on our heads but we really know how to make it a big deal. If I didn't have a huge forehead, I'd think about it. lol.

  4. This is such an interesting topic! Not going to lie, I shaved one side of my head last week, before I was aware of this trend (the only reason I didn't shave my whole head is commitment issues and my fiancee said she would miss the curls).
    It is so important to talk about this crazy attachment our society has developed to hair, especially for women. A bald head /definitely/ does not negate femininity in any way, and I am so happy that more and more women are coming to realize that! I almost teared up a bit at your last paragraph, as it is such a blindness that our society suffers to any "unconventional" form of beauty, though all of the non-physical things that you list make up beauty, as well. I think the main goal of this trend is displayed perfectly on the last woman's shirt, "I define me".

  5. Hannah, I also love this new "trend". I have honestly caught myself thinking about it several times, although I know if I did it, my mother would not be happy, and being that I am in lockdown with her for a while, I chose not to do it.... yet. I will shave my head at least once in my life before I die, because I think it is a feeling all women should be able to experience. I think it provides a sense of power and, as Hannah said, control over our lives!

  6. I had no clue this was a thing until you posted about, and I'm honestly so glad you did. There truly is this stigma around women's hair and what's considered feminine. Something happened though that I thought was really interesting. I read you post, and then I had a zoom class, and low and behold one of the girls in it had shaved their head! She used to have this really awesome, long, blonde hair, but I bet it looks even more gorgeous now. I say I bet, because she wouldn't put her video up for zoom. She asked our professor if it was required for her to have video playing, and he said it wasn't, and that's when she announced she'd shaved her head. I think she probably loved her new do, but didn't want to show it, because the class is made up of fifteen boys and four girls. I really wish I could have seen it.

  7. I actually have a friend who shaved their head a while ago. They have the body of a women but they got by they/them pronouns most of the time. They did it to make themselves more confident and body positive. They wanted to make sure they were in control of their self esteem and they wanted to learn to love themselves all over again. I think when a women shaves her head they are showing that beauty isn’t in the hair, or the physical traits. I think it’s also about confidence and learning to love yourself no matter what. I think this trend is a beautiful thing.

  8. Great... now I want to shave my head. This look is so powerful. Many women consider their hair like a safety blanket, it is commonly associated with beauty and standards of beauty that women are held to. I cut my hair short and soon after got self conscious. Many women I idolize do not have short hair, it is uncommon. But it is a power stance, and draws attention. My indecisive ass really wants to go all Britney to my head now.
