Friday, April 10, 2020

Let's get physical! And also nonphysical! XD

Hello all! I hope your doing well and that this quarantine hasn’t turned you insane with cabin fever. I personally haven’t yet, but only time will tell…

Anyway, after listening to the podcast “Thirst Aid Kit” this week, I loved how the hosts gave both physical and non-physical traits they were attracted to when it came to the men they talked about. It inspired me to make my own Top 10 list of physical and non-physical traits that I find attractive on someone. Whelp, here we go buckaroos…

1.       Hair long enough to run my fingers through.
Plain and simple, I LOVE to play and mess with hair. I am the person my friends always come to when they want their hair played with or to get a scalp massage. I genuinely love doing it and seeing someone with hair long enough to run my fingers through is very attractive to me. I’m not particular to color, texture, or style, but as long as I can mess with it, you’ve got my attention.

2.       Dimples and laugh lines
Need I say more? If someone has dimples, they most likely have a gorgeous smile, and that alone makes my heart stop and butterflies start flap-flapping. I also love that if someone has laugh lines, that means they are always smiling and laughing, which probably means they look to the positive, which is insanely attractive to me and leads to my next trait…

3.       A positive attitude in life
I have enough negativity as it is in my life, so if I find someone who even when life is going rough can find a positive in the situation, my heart starts soaring and the person is instantly more attractive to me.

4.       They can make me laugh
I’m well aware that I laugh at almost everything that’s even remotely funny. So, if someone can’t make me laugh, there is a serious problem. I think Elle Woods in Legally Blonde says it best, “Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t kill their husbands.” I know she was talking about exercise, but I know laughing releases endorphins too, and if I can laugh with my partner, we can get through just about anything.

5.       They can cook
Food is life. I know, you know it, everybody knows it. I love to eat, and I love to cook, and the fastest way to a person’s heart is through their stomach. To put it plainly, if my partner offers to cook me a home-made breakfast as opposed to taking me out to a five-star restaurant, you have my unconditional attention and love. (One of my past boyfriends did this for me for breakfast one day, and then an Italian dinner another day. Best. Dates. Ever.)

6.       Passion
Now while I know having passion in the bedroom is great and dandy, when I say passion, I mean a passion for life! If someone shows that their passionate about their hobbies, likes, dislikes, future plans, opinions, or anything in between, its soooooo attractive to me. I know that if they have passion for life, it means that they’ll have passion for our relationship, which is a win-win for me.

7.       Shows Emotions
I don’t know about y’all, but if my partner shows me emotions and their vulnerable side, I instantly fall a little bit in love on the spot. I love when people trust me with that side of themselves, so if someone shows me their vulnerable side and gets emotional around me and trusts me to be their emotional support, I feel very attracted to them.

8.       Honesty
This one might be a little cliché, but when someone is blunt, honest, and to the point with me, I instantly can respect that person. In relationships, one of my big things is if someone lies to me, I have a hard time trusting you again. I am very understanding and trusting, so if you dishonor that with lying to me, I don’t take it well. So, when someone is honest and isn’t afraid to say it how it is, I feel the butterflies a-flapping.

9.       Goofiness
I love to be goofy. If I’m with my friends and our song comes on (yes, I have songs with my close friends XD) I will bust out into a full dance party no matter where we are and just let loose. If I meet someone who can match my energy like that by dancing weird, singing out loud, and laughing until we cry at stupid memes, you can take me off the market because I’m sold!

10.   Family + Friends
Finally, number 10, which is family and friends. When I say that, I mean taking the relationships that person has with their friends and family seriously and cherishing them. My family and friends are the most important things to me. In my mind, you can never get that time back with those you love and I’d rather have lifelong memories then material items. So, if I meet someone with the same mindset and they show me how important those kinds of relationships are to them, that is really, Really, REALLY attractive to me.

That was fun! I loved being able to look and find those traits that really were important to me that went beyond the physical. The podcast really inspired to take that look inside myself, and I was pleasantly surprised by what I found. The ability those two women had at showing that attraction isn’t just physical was really inspiring and was one of the key take-aways I had after l finished listening. I hope my list inspired you to make your own, and/or maybe induced a laugh or two, I know had a few chuckles while writing it! Well, until next week!


  1. It may sound simple, but I think it takes a lot to sit back and identify exactly what you find attractive in people. In our oh so wonderful society, we're often told what to find attractive, especially when we're in our adolescence. TV shows practically spoon feed us what we are supposed to think of people and how we're supposed to look to make people like us (and Fey talked about that in her book). I think it says a lot about a person if they're able to identify what is attractive in a person beyond physical appearance.

  2. Wow, this list is legit, and I love seeing what you value. For me, I'd move the ability to cook to number 1 on my list!! Having homemade food with my boyfriend makes me swooooon, especially Italian food! Also, I truly value positivity and goofiness and a sense of humor in people (again, my manz). So yeah, you have great taste, Kristina! ;P
