Saturday, April 25, 2020

It Happens To Anyone

Introduction/ Thesis: For my project, I wanted to provide a platform for people to speak comfortably about their experiences with sexual assault and violence. This platform became a series of video interviews, of which I got inspiration from a BuzzFeed video, Devyn Shares Her Sexual Assault Story. I also used Halsey’s Speech at the 2018 NYC Women’s March for additional sources to help solidify my argument that sexual assault and violence happens to anyone, as my title implies. The final source I used was Nannette by Hannah Gadsby. Nannette was my primary source that guidance and support, as her stories she shared created tension and forced all the members in the audience to feel her pain. This was my goal with the stories; I wanted to create tension and elicit emotions from the viewers, so they can truly feel the pain and discomfort these survivors felt. Using them as my guide, my video tells the stories of three “ordinary” women, Allison Hager, a college student at West Liberty University, Izzy Hawkinberry, a college student at Shepherd University, and a woman who asked to remain anonymous, each of whom has put herself back together in the face of violence or gender oppression.

Tell us about what you did: The process for my project required me to come in contact with survivors who trusted me to tell their story. Once I found these wonderful women, I set up interview times, and although I was thrown for a loop when this quarantine happened, we persevered. Like I stated in my introduction, I supported my thesis by using Nanette, Devyn Shares Her Sexual Assault Story, and Halsey’s 2018 speech at the NYC Women’s March, as examples that even if you have a high position in society, you can experience the same thing as the women in college. Based on all these stories, which all happened at different ages, to different cultural backgrounds and races, I concluded that sexual assault and violence can happen to anyone and it needs to be talked about.

“So What?”: This project and issue are important because there is so much negative stigma around talking about your stories of surviving and it is time to break that standard. It is time to start talking about it and providing safe spaces for everyone to shares their stories, without the fear of being criticized. We also have to stop ignoring the stories the people are telling, like in the Brett Kavanaugh vs Dr. Ford case. Everyone thought Dr. Ford was lying for political gain, and this needs to stop. I do understand that there are people who spread false claims, but that doesn’t mean we should stop listening to everyone else. That is why this is all-important because we need to create tension, make people feel the pain and emotions we feel, so they finally understand the things we all go through. I should never feel unsafe in a school environment, at work, or living my daily life, because I am a minority, a female member of the LGBTQ+ community. The more people we have and the stronger we fight back against this violence towards the minorities, the faster we can minimize the gender gaps and minority discrimination.

What did I learn? What Surprised Me?: During this project, I confirmed what I had already known, that violence happens to anyone. Although, I did learn that through these painful experiences, we all have found something or someone that helps make us feel empowered and strong again. On a personal level, what surprised me is what my cousin went through. My cousin in the video was Ally. I never knew her story until this project and after recording, we both shared stories we had never told each other, which is rare because we are basically sisters. But I did feel better knowing that she has the strong women in her sorority to support her when I can’t be there.

What is my favorite part, and why?: My favorite part of this project was definitely the video portion. I had so much fun coming up with the concept and seeing it be executed. I loved seeing that my friends trusted me to tell their stories in a great way. From the reactions I have seen to the video, I love that I was able to achieve the goal I had of eliciting tension and emotions.

Overall, I have loved this project with all my heart, and I hope I can expand on it in the future with more interviews. I hope you all enjoyed it and understand the messages I was trying to convey. I will miss you guys more than anything! <3


  1. I love this project and appreciate your willingness to brave such a tough topic. I especially loved the part where you mentioned that a common thread between each person you interviewed is that they all found someone/something that made them feel strong again--that's so beautiful.

    1. Thank you Aneyla! When I was first coming up with the concept, I knew that I didn't want to just make the video involving the sad parts, so I came up with the idea to have them talk about how they've been empowered. I think it is important to remind the survivors, that through their struggles, they can always come out on top! :)

  2. Wow Kennedy this was so moving. Giving a voice and platform to survivors is so important and I loved the way you structured the video. I like that the questions didn't pry into anything they didn't want to speak about and allowed the girls to only discuss what they felt comfortable with. Anyone who can tell their story is so brave & I commend them for stepping up for a project like this.

    1. Thank you Cheyenne! Comfortability was a big thing for me because I know from personal experience how hard it is to talk about what happened. So that was a big deal for me, I wanted to make sure these women knew that they were in a safe space and that they had the choice to say as much or as little as they wanted! :)

  3. This is such a powerful project. I think if we've learned anything this semester, it has to be the power of our voice. And I think your project was the perfect culmination of that--reclaiming our voice after we've been taken from ourselves. I hope that you are in fact able to continue this project after the semester ends. I honestly think quarantine would be a good time for that if I am honest. I know for me specifically, being home is leaving me alone with my thoughts. Maybe in this time you could reach out to more people and see if they have a story they want to share through email or something to continue this project (If you are looking, I am willing)! Anywho, great project! Loved it!

    1. I think this project will be something I want to try to continue to do for several years and just see where it ends up, especially with all the stuff happening in the news involving women and women's rights! :)

  4. Really great job! You definitely provided a platform for women to talk about sexual harassment and abuse. I also commend you on finding a way to incorporate voices that aren't ready to be seen just yet; by making sure they were anonymous, they might feel more inclined to speak about their experiences in the future.

    1. Thank you! The woman who remained anonymous had never told her story before, even to her family, so I felt honored that she trusted me to keep it private! I hope that through that example it allows other survivors, men included, feel comfortable talking about their stories!

  5. This project turned out GREAT! I am so happy I got to be an actual part of it, and I am glad that you could use my story to advocate for the fight against rape culture and sexism. The songs you chose to put in there fit the moods very well and I love the backgrounds of the text sections! The way you used color in the end portion and made the parts where we talked about the things that made us feel unsafe black & white, it adds drama and intensity but it also shows that things like that (things that happen to all women in some way) make us feel empty, hollow, and colorless. This is an amazing project, and I am so happy to have found a friend in you this semester. We will Definitely be seeing each other in the future, even if it isn't super near. :)

    1. Thank you! Thank you! and Thank you! I am very appreciative of you wanting to be in the project and I thank you for allowing me to tell your story! I am so glad I have found you as a friend! :)

  6. Yes Kennedy! This is fantastic! I love that you did exactly what this class has done for each of us, and that’s given women a safe space to speak up about the things they Amy feel uncomfortable talking about. Projects like these are so so important, because it gives women a place to safely tell their story and to heal from it. As Cheyenne said, I really loved the questions you picked. You didn’t ask them to directly talk about what had happened to them, you let them tell as much as they wanted to and that is amazing. They were promoted but they had free will and could decide what direction to take their answers in. Thank you for making such a beautiful project. I can’t wait to see where you take it.

    1. Thank you for your kind words! I truly loved doing this project, I am not one to be on the screen but it made me feel powerful to know that I could be that voice for these women! :)

  7. Kennedy, this project is just amazing. The fact that there is so many women in the world that have to go through this is terrible. I think that it’s hard to find women who are ready to talk about these things with other people. I absolutely love this project, I think it speaks volumes. I think it helps to show other women that they can talk about it and that there are safe spaces for them. Thank you for doing this project!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you! Like I said to others, this project was very important to me because I have always wanted a safe platform to talk about my experiences and I really strived to be that safe space for people. I am really glad you liked it! :)

  8. Kennedy, this was such an inspiring and touching idea and project! I find it so incredibly beautiful when sexual assault survivors get to share their stories, as women often don't have the opportunity or aren't given a voice to. You mentioned Hannah Gadsby as part of your research for this project, which reminded me of another comedienne from this semester. I know I've said this to a few people now, but have you seen "Rape Jokes," a standup special by Cameron Esposito? She gives sexual assault survivors a voice, including herself, through this special, and I really think you'd like it considering how similar it is to what you've done here. And if you've already seen it, then I think you can agree with me on how wonderful it was! Anyway, I appreciated your project and all the hard work you put in to it; the work you are doing, giving these women a voice, is so amazing.

    1. Thank you Sophie! I have not watched that special yet, but I have been interested in watching it since we talked about it in class! It is definitely on my list of shows and specials to watch! :)

  9. There really is something so important in hearing the voices of those associated with the stories that they are telling. It speaks volumes to hear the raw emotion and feeling, even courage when sharing tough stories. Really smart questions helped create a dynamic dialogue. Great work!

  10. Thank you for creating such a beautiful platform for the survivors out there! I think that your project is more than just a grade for this class and that it acting has a huge impact on society. I think that the sources you used were great and that you tied them all together beautifully to extend what we learn in class. I loved your project and hope that you enjoyed constructing it.

    1. Thank you Hannah! Like you said, this project really was more than just a grade for me, when I started it, I didn't realize I was starting something that was changing me as a person for life! :)

  11. Thank you for your project. I absolutely appreciate how you gave Izzy (<3) and Ally and "Vanessa" a platform to speak out and share, and I appreciate their courage to spread the message that rape and sexual violence can happen to anyone through their experiences. It means so much, and I'm sure all of your viewers agree with me.

    1. Thank you Holly! Ally, is actually going to be using the video for her Sorority meetings because she is in charge of the safety and support of the chapter! I felt honored that she wanted to use it; it made me more comfortable knowing that my intended message was being received! :)

  12. This is so awesome. It's so important to give women a platform, and to emphasize that these things are not okay. It takes courage for these women to share their experiences. Not only did they share their painful stories, they shared how they've regained themselves afterwards. I really appreciate the work you've done here, really good job!

    1. Thank you Alison! It was important for me to remind these women of times where they felt strong, as a reminder that what happened to them is not their fault and they are stronger because of it! :)

  13. I love this project in so many ways. How you showed these women's stories in order to make it so strengthening and empowering for the women and the viewer, especially if they have been through a similar situation, was so amazing. It hit a personal note with me since I have been through abuse from a partner, and this made me so empowered to know that I'm not alone and that there are others out there who understand what I went through. I've loved being in class with you for a whole YEAR now (since we also had GWST 201 last semester XD) and I can't wait to see what you do in the future with this and everything else you set your mind to. Keep being so incredibly fabulous and I hope you have a wonderful summer :)

    1. Thank you Kristina! I have enjoyed becoming friends with you and I hope we can have some more classes together! If you ever want to talk about you experiences or just want to chat, I'm always available! :)

  14. Having voices speak out about sexual assault is such a powerful topic. Since sexual assault is so personal and hard to talk about, having brave women speak out about their experience is so empowering. The sad truth of sexual assault is the lack of justice some of these women face, from the society they live within. I am happy to see you taking a stand, and creating a platform for the women who need it but don't know what to do. Thank you for having these stories shared, so incredible !

    1. Thank you Taylor! It is very sad to see how little the justice system helps in these situations! I hope that one day soon that will change and we can finally start to have justice! :)
