Thursday, April 9, 2020

Week 11: Morticia Addams is the Queen We Didn’t Know We Needed

So, by the title, you already know that this post is going to be about the immaculate QUEEN, Morticia Addams. But before we get into why she is Queen, let me reference and explain why I am talking about her. So, in my episode of Thirst Aid Kit, “Keanu.”, the girls go into a discussion of why Keanu Reeves is their “thirst” for the day. They go on to list features about him that are not about his overall attractiveness. They talk about how he has nice arms, or he has this caring attitude that we so commonly don’t get to see in his movies, and they also talk about the way he runs and how it’s weird but adorable. (Side note: this is relatable, except it isn’t adorable when I run, I just look like a T-Rex…anyways). Based on their descriptions and admiration for Keanu (and who can blame them, the man is so beautiful), I would like to introduce a list of ways that make Morticia Addams one of my women crushes and why she is Queen.

1st: I mean just look at her, she gives off so much powerful energy it’s uncanny!

2nd: Look at how she treats her King, Gomez! Not only does he worship her, but she does the same in return. She doesn’t let the fact that he is infatuated by her get to her head and you can truly see how much she loves him!

3rd: Look at her relationship with her children! I know this isn’t something that should be uncommon, but it is. She is probably one of the best mothers, she doesn’t keep them from expressing themselves. She encourages them to be who they truly are, the wonderful goth children I have so much admiration for.

4th: She is truly the queen and head of her household, but she doesn’t flaunt it. She is respected by everyone in her family and she accepts anyone into her home!
5th: Can we PLEASE worship her style! She is definitely the queen of the gothic culture and I LIVE for it. The style and lifestyle of the Addams family are often used as imagery for Halloween décor, but this family is stunning and has helped remove the stigma and hate towards the gothic décor and lifestyle!
6th: I like to believe that if she was in our generation, she would be that mom that feeds you if you come over to her house and always makes sure you are taken care of, even if you aren’t her child

Anyways…. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk of why Morticia Addams is an absolute Queen and a major girl crush of mine, not going to lie!

P.S. I hope everyone is still doing okay during this craziness! I miss seeing you guys every week, I am definitely going stir crazy in this house! But the good news is, I have had several good mental health days, which is growth!


  1. I STAN Morticia Addams. I love the Addams Family and I 100% agree with everything you wrote here. She gives off such a bad bitch vibe that is unmatched. I also loved Morticia and Gomez growing up because they LOVED EACH OTHER. Almost every single married couple on TV bickered and fought and made jokes about hating each other... marriage seemed so negative and I was NOT here for it. & then there's these two. So in love. So perfect.

  2. Morticia Addams is such a wonderful character! You would expect someone in a family like the Addams to be cold and closed off, but she's the exact opposite! She and Gomez are so in love with each other it's admirable. #CoupleGoals I agree, the power she holds is virtually untouchable.

  3. We live for Morticia! Honestly, when I was younger I definitely wanted to grow up to be her sooooo... I love this post. Also whenever she speaks french and her husbands bugs out is my absolute favorite. She has the queen power I can only hope to have.
