Friday, April 17, 2020

What is Good-Bye?

Since everyone is writing their farewell posts, or should I say "not-good-bye" posts I decided to join the train.
I refuse to say good-bye here because this course overall has given me knowledge to further support me and my new beginnings to finish my undergraduate career.
This class has broadened my knowledge of so many things and I've enjoyed every minute, yes, even the moments when I struggled to finish assignments last minute, were aggravated with myself about writing, etc.

So, I want to ask you all - what is Good-Bye?
If I were to release the stubbornness that is inside me, saying good-bye would mean this.
To ensure that your ending would be good, even if it may be emotional, (don't judge me I'm a sap.)
So if we have to say it, why not make bye a good one, and it mean something grand?

To our professor,
Even though I'm one shy, stubborn and (can be) quite an indecisive student, throughout my time being in this class I've developed more solid decision making when it comes to writing and that's saved me quite a lot this semester. The things I compose aren't all over the place (okay maybe a little) but I am able to stay on track with my topics, and these blog posts have been HUGE critiques for me, in a good way.
We may be in college, but having professors like you who refuse to give up on their students, who push them to produce great work really does make a difference. I hope that's shown from me, and others, because even at our most difficult times, being sincerely told from our professors that we are  "smart enough" to do something when we feel stuck, gives back the determination we may have lost along the way. This truly has been life-saving for me, figuratively and literally.

To my classmates,
I sincerely appreciate all of you and the connections we've made as an entire class and I miss being at that big (it actually seemed humungous to the girl with no depth perception) table in the presence of all of you!
Creating these connections with such a big class has boosted my confidence level quite a lot. Just being accepted by an entire room of people that was literally full of Shepherd students, drastically decreased the daily fear and nervousness I felt when just walking or even sitting in my other classes.
Isla also absolutelyLOVED finding "Dr. Hanrahan's class", dragging me to the door, then inside to find my seat - which inevitably made me excited and quite comfortable just walking inside.

Anyway, this class as a whole has just increased my overall confidence by 110%, in almost every area and I've felt more free expressing myself. I even created a blog post practically "coming out" to a large group of people and that was a huge thing for me, so, thank you.
To save myself from getting too off track here, I'm going to end this post. I'll remanence more later after I finish my huge assignments.

 If Isla could talk I know she would also say "thank you" to you guys for being so respectful to her when she was working and to enjoying her nose-bops the few times her harness was off and she decided to stand up under the table and say hello to a few of you. It made me embarrassed because I wasn't sure how anyone would react to us after it happened, but I giggled a little and your reactions (even professor Hanrahan's) ensured me that we weren't going to be judged harshly.

I know this wasn't a "what I learned from this class" post, but I hope you all enjoyed it and that it still made someone smile.

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