Thursday, April 2, 2020

I Know You Are Bored

Hello friends, greetings and quarantined regards.

I am sure you all are working your hardest to catch up on school and find enough things to fill the day to avoid the impending doom, I know I am. I really just want to throw my phone in the trash and wrap up in a blanket cocoon with a "Do Not Disturb" sign. I am driving my boyfriend and honestly myself crazy by saying millions of times things like, "I AM SO BORED." "KILL ME"
I really need to tone down the drama!

Anywayyyy... I found something I would like to share with you all. It is a list of movies. Not just any movies, but movies AND shows created for and by women directors, producers, writers, etc.

There are a bunch I am sure you will recognize, but you will have a newfound respect for once you learn that some boss ladies made them possible. E.T. was written by a woman, It's A Wonderful Life, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, Lord of the Rings franchise, and the original Superman all written or co-written by women!

So, why is this important? Because women are awesome, duh?
Yes, but bringing attention to the influence women have in all facets of our lives is incredibly necessary to bring us closer to gender equality. It is a known problem that women are featured less, paid less, noticed less, but judged more, and criticized more than men.

When it comes to supporting roles, the numbers have barely budged. In 2019, women comprised just 37% of major characters, an increase of one percentage point from the previous year. They also made up just 34% of all speaking characters, down one percentage point from the previous year. And not all women are enjoying equal representation onscreen. The study found that while white women saw an increase in representation in lead, major and speaking roles, onscreen depictions of most women of color actually decreased. (LA Times) 

Social change is incredibly difficult and it doesn't exactly change in a concise or linear way. It is a battle. It is an awesome battle we should have the privilege to fight because with some hard work and some serious balls, we can really dominate. 

For fun, I am making a list of my choices of movies created by or starring badass women for you to enjoy during the quarantine. By using the Bechdel test, a system that measures the representation of women in fiction, I combined ones I know I enjoyed, that I also found featured on the list. It asks whether a work features at least two women who talk to each other about something other than a man. The requirement that the two women must be named is sometimes added. About half of all films meet these criteria, according to user-edited databases and the media industry press. Passing or failing the test is not necessarily indicative of how well women are represented in any specific work. Rather, the test is used as an indicator for the active presence of women in the entire field of film and other fiction, and to call attention to gender inequality in fiction.  Media industry studies indicate that films that pass the test perform better financially than those that do not. It is not the best measure because it is circumstantial, but it is really interesting to collect and study data in this social aspect. (

The Invisible Man
Captain Marvel
Knives Out
Little Women
Birds of Prey
Mad Max: Fury Road

Foxy Brown
Rear Window
Ma vie en rose


  1. UMMMMMM I SUPER MEGA ULTRA ENJOY THIS POST ! ! ! ! ! ! Quarantine has me (like many people, I am sure) exhausting Netflix and other streaming services of all of the good shows and movies. I cannot wait to go through this list and watch or rewatch some of these movies. Thank you Kelsey for this list of movies!!

  2. Love so many of the movies on those lists!
