Friday, April 17, 2020

I Miss Laughing With Y'all :(

This class has been such a fun experience for me. I had high hopes when I signed up for the class but my expectations were greatly exceeded. We are such a fun bunch. I loved hearing from you all during class and laughing together. Sadly, our time was cut short but I hope you guys are still finding things to laugh at, and bringing joy to others. I don't want this to be a sobstory goodbye, so I have some things to share. I've spent a lot of time over quarantine on TikTok. Every Sunday I'm slapped in the face by my iPhone's weekly screen time report. In my time, I've found some FUNNY STUFF. Here is my curated selection of TikToks, I hope you find them as funny as I did.

Other thing I've been laughing about during quarantine:
  1. Leslie Jordan's Instagram - This man is a national treasure and I want to be just like him.
  2. Grace & Frankie on Netflix - This is my favorite show right now. It's got laughs, it's got heart, and Frankie is played by the voice of Ms.Frizzle from The Magic School Bus
  3. Hornliness.
I just want to thank you all again for such a great semester, and wish you guys good luck as we finish classes and navigate the rest of this crazy time we're in.


  1. The bowllet is without a doubt the best haircut you could get while in quarantine. I was reading these posts and getting super sappy so I'm very glad you posted this to give me a breather in between sobs :-)

  2. Alison, these were hilarious! I love a good TikTok or meme to make me laugh during all of this scary, uncertain quarantining. I'm also a sucker for a French accent, because I took French for five years and still can't sound any less "hillbilly" when I speak it. :( Also, I highly relate to the guy dressing up his cat, but Pepper (my cat/bat/dog) is unfortunately a little too feisty for that. I've only gotten her in two outfits, and let's just say, I paid in blood.

  3. I watched and enjoyed every one of these. I want that meme game so bad.

    I haven't met anyone's parents in a zoom meeting. I have seen some dogs and cats, though. :)

  4. Also, "Hornliness" made me howl with laughter.
