Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Bra Project

The Bra Project

For my major project I decided to do a multi-modal project that allowed me to utilize my love of art and design. With the constraint in supplies I adapted my project to be created on a series of bras, using acrylic paint and ink detailing. I created a range of cartoon women to be present on my project. I decided to work on the idea of diverse representation within women in society. For my project I used several identities apparent within our class’ reading and discussions. I focused on women from historically underrepresented communities. My major project is a way to create a visual culture that celebrates the diversity and differences of women throughout our society. The comedians in this course serve as some of my influences, including their discussions of representation. My project is a representation of diverse women inspired by Fanny Fern, Hannah Gadsby, Ali Wong, and Phoebe Robinson.

For my project I went back into our discussion and comedians we have studied to gain inspiration. I also researched artists focusing on diversity and feminism. I started by drawing my cartoon characters and designing the identities I wanted present within the project. After I finished finalizing I constructed my thesis based around women who are under represented and the impact that has. I used the comedians in our course, as well as other scholarly articles as ways women have used their platforms to discuss inequity and how it needed to be mended.

This project was created to showcase diversity and acknowledge that every woman is different and should be celebrated not discouraged. The women in this course have inspired me to be authentic to myself, and to be proud of who I am. To spread that I am using this visual representation project to reach more women. The society based on discrimination and stereotypes needs to be countered with expression and delineation. This project is important in the conversation of inequity and diversity. It is using the implicit bias of others against them. It is showing what the world really is, not the haze of marginalization people have been in. The impact of voices like these within art, comedy, journalism and media is what will create a new definition for the identities. This is how equity will be spread and how representation will create a new conversation for women all over the world.

I learned a lot about identities that have been shown inequity, that within my implicit bias I haven’t realized. By researching and analyzing the women we have studied I have learned a lot about how wrongly women are being treated. I knew a lot about marginalized groups, but I never really thought about accurate and diverse representation within art and media until I started creating this project. I learned about my white privilege and how I have also been impacted by lack of realistic representation of women within society.

I actually continued working on my project even after I turned it in. Since art is always developing I have been messing with the project and bringing about a more aesthetically pleasing project. So the pictures I have posted are what I a have added to bring the project into full view for me. My favorite part of this project was creating beautiful women, and basing them on women I know who are fighting for equity. I used famous and personal role models within my project. This really allowed me to appreciate what feminism is to me and how I could make an impact


  1. I think this is a really unique project. Not only is it promoting feminism with the designs on the bras, but you chose to design bras. I think this is extremely important and contributes well to our class. I love what you did here! Great work!

  2. Taylor, I absolutely love your project! It is such a creative and well-executed idea! Not only are the bras so beautiful and colorful—a true celebration of all women—I love how you also used varying sizes of bras. I've never really seen anything like this before, so I applaud you for your uniqueness in expressing feminism. You have such a gift with both art and writing; wonderful job!

  3. I agree with Daisy: this is so unique and cool! It reminds me of the stereotypical idea that radical feminists burn their bras in order to make a statement. It's like you've taken the sexist idea of bra-burning and turned it on its head by showcasing bras to make a feminist statement rather than getting rid of them. Your drawings are beautiful; I could spend hours just taking it all in! Your goal of representing underrepresented women is very effective.

  4. Ahhhhh Taylor! I love this so much! These are stunning. To put marginalized women are bras is genius. I’m so glad they ran out of other art supplies and you used bras, because that makes it extra amazing. You successfully portrayed a diverse set of underrepresented women, adding to the representation of them. This is beautiful! Also you could totally sell these, I’m certain women would be willing to buy them. We could wear them for women’s marches and what not. And yes the pint would wash off but let’s be real here, women don’t wash their bras for many months anyways so it would last them awhile. This is a truly beautiful final project.

  5. This is a really cool project! The way you interpret your ideas visually was pulled off really well. I can definitely see these on the shelf of some artsy boutique one day.

  6. I thought that your project idea was so beautiful and impactful! You are not only very talented but I thought that the message you gave to the viewers was very important. I thought that it embraced so much femininity and provided such good imagery to women everywhere.

  7. Holy cow, this is beyond creative. First of all, the concept of your visual media is so creative and cool and amazing - art on BRAS?? That's outstanding!! Secondly, your art is so meaningful and I love how you're continuing to make this empowering art even after you turned in the project. Ultimately, I honestly hope we get to see even more of your bra art in the future (maybe an Instagram??). :)

  8. This is so crazy creative, and a perfect fit for you Taylor. You're so talented and I can tell you were very passionate about this project. These are so empowering and the visuals are so stunning. Awesome job! :)

  9. Taylor I LOVED this project, it was probably one of my favorites to read about!
    I also really enjoyed reading, and the photographs you included! You have a great talent for art as well. The fact that your project also revolved around various minority groups of women made me smile!
    This was amazing - encore!!!

  10. I can't believe how amazingly talented you are in the art world! I was aware you were great after seeing your turtle for Shaw during craft nights at summer training XD, but this is soooooooooooo phenomenal! I loved reading about your project and seeing how you interpreted this project in such an empowering and unique way. I loved having class with you this semester and getting to know you better this year through RA stuff and this class! I hope you have an amazing summer and I can't wait to (hopefully) see you at training this summer <3
